Ruan Sales Signs First Professional Contract with Fluminense

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Midfielder Ruan Sales, 16, signed his first professional contract with Fluminense this Monday (01/07). The new contract, signed at the Vale das Laranjeiras Training Center, in Xerém, runs until the end of May 2027.

“First and foremost, I want to thank God for what he has done in my life. I am immensely grateful to Fluminense, who have always welcomed me. I arrived here at the age of nine with the goal of signing my professional contract with this great club. Now that I have achieved this, I am even happier and more motivated. I have no words to describe how happy I am. This is my and my family’s dream come true,” celebrated the player.

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Born in São Luís (MA), Ruan Sales arrived in Xerém in 2018, at the age of nine. Undefeated champion of the 2024 U-16 Olaria Cup, the player was part of the squad that also won the U-17 Brazil Cup title without a thrashing. The futsal player from the Tricolor team has also played for the U-15 Brazilian National Team.

Text: Communication/FFC
Photo: Leonardo Brasil/FFC

2024-07-01 19:35:00
#Ruan #Sales #signs #professional #contract #Fluminense #Fluminense #Football #Club


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