Sabine Lisicki: Fulfilling Her Dream of Starting a Family

Sabine Lisicki Having your own family was always “a dream”

Sabine Lisicki is looking forward to the birth of her first child.


“A physical challenge”: Sabine Lisicki is currently expecting her first child. She underestimated the pregnancy.

Sabine Lisicki’s first baby, 34, will be born in the fall. In an interview with the magazine “Bunte,” the tennis player reveals that this is the fulfillment of a long-held wish. “I’m really happy because I’m a complete family person. It’s always been my dream to have my own family,” she enthuses. There is “nothing greater” than being pregnant. “I love children,” the professional athlete makes clear.

Pregnancy is “hard work”

Nevertheless, she had imagined the pregnancy to be “easier, it’s hard work.” Lisicki is struggling with unusual tiredness, which is why she sometimes sleeps three hours during the day and goes to bed early. “Pregnancy is not an illness, but a physical challenge,” stresses the 2013 Wimbledon finalist.

Return to the tennis court is already planned

After the birth of her child, Sabine Lisicki wants to return to professional sport. “Yes, there will be a comeback,” she confirmed to the newspaper. But what is important is “that I am physically well and totally fit.” She believes she can play tennis at a high level for a few more years – but that she will stop at 40 at the latest.

She gets tips on how to combine tennis with motherhood from her colleague Angelique Kerber, 36. She celebrated her comeback on the tennis court in December 2023 after an 18-month maternity leave. Otherwise, Lisicki is supported by her parents and her partner in looking after the child when she is on the court.

Romantic engagement

Sabine Lisicki is still keeping the father of her child a secret. However, he does not come from the tennis business. The ex-girlfriend of Oliver Pocher, 46, nevertheless let slip a few words about her engagement in an interview. “My boyfriend fell to his knees, it was a beautiful ritual,” she remembers.

spot on news

2024-07-03 13:19:00
#family #dream


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