Saint-Hugues-en-Chartreuse Hosts French Field Shooting Championship for a Week

Saint-Hugues-en-Chartreuse is hosting the French Field Shooting Championship for a week (from July 5 to 11), showcasing three styles of bow: the classic bow, the compound bow and the longbow, a traditional one-piece bow. More than 400 shooters are registered and if we count the volunteers, the accompanying persons and the judges, more than a thousand people will be accommodated in Chartreuse and Entremonts. This competition is organized by the Isère Departmental Archery Committee under the aegis of the French Archery Federation.

Guy Hervé Savornin, president of the Isère departmental committee, explains field shooting and the running of a competition: “It’s…

2024-07-04 01:53:22
#SaintPierredeChartreuse #SaintHugues #hosts #French #field #shooting #championship


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