Salvadoran Goalkeeper Roberto Hernandez Set to Coach at Paris 2024 Olympics

The Salvadoran goalkeeper confirmed that he will be at the Paris 2024 Games. He will give his all for the country, under a role other than that of competing directly.

The name of El Salvador continues to be on the agenda of the next Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Not only with athletes who will go to compete, in search of a medal, but also for those who will attend in other roles and will be, for the first time, at the most important event that sport has to offer.

This time, the archer Roberto Hernandezin the compound bow modality, confirmed his Olympic participation. But he will not do so competitively, but will be on French soil as coach of another Salvadoran who has qualified as Oscar Ticasof the recurve modality.

READ MORE: Goalkeeper Roberto Hernandez is a great coach

On his social networks, “Bob” Hernandez shared the good news, with a picture of his accreditation for Paris. A CANCHA, the shooter reaffirmed this, with great joy, since he will be able to live this experience.

“It’s an honour. The truth is that it’s a difficult situation to take in at the beginning, because being a composite archer, you don’t plan on making it to the Olympics because that opportunity doesn’t exist,” he said.

Photo: Courtesy of Susana de Hernandez

“As a coach, it is a dream and for it to happen with my country is an honor, (this) because I am on the list to be able to participate in Paris 2024 with the Costa Rica ParaArchey team, but always going with your colors has a much stronger meaning due to the sense of patriotism, because at a professional level you always try to do the best job regardless of the colors,” he said.

As for how the possibility of being in the Olympics opens up, he explained: “With the qualification of Oscar (Ticas) to the Olympic Games, the Olympic Committee (Coes) and my board of directors were evaluating who could accompany him for the event.”

READ MORE: Roberto Hernández, a goalkeeper with a historic double

“After considering various elements, including the opinion of Oscar himself, they decided that I should accompany him as a coach, considering my experience as a coach, the trust and friendship we have with Oscar and that I am also the head coach and technical manager of the Federation (of Archery),” he added.

For Roberto, winner of the Golden Spikes as the top male athlete and currently the best in this discipline and modality, these will literally be his first Olympics. An opportunity he hopes to repeat: “I hope they are not the last. I feel proud and grateful to my Federation, Olympic Committee, Indes and to Oscar for the trust placed in me to be at the Games.”

Salvadoran goalkeeper Oscar Ticas during a training session. The national team will go to Paris. Photo: Courtesy of Indes

Hernández is also clear about what his goal is for Paris 2024. He explained: “To contribute as much as possible to Oscar so that he can give his 100% during the competition. To be a support element for him in all areas, and of course for everyone else in the delegation that will participate in Paris 2024.”

For now, this would be the confirmed participation of the shooter as a “coach”. However, he is waiting to be able to attend the Paralympic Games with Costa Rica, and continue giving his best in Paris.

Like the Santa Ana native, national rower Adriana Escobar confirmed that she will be at the Olympics, working hand in hand with WADA. These two athletes join the eight nationals who already have a direct ticket to Paris 2024: Uriel Canjura (badminton), Bryan Pérez (surfing), Quique Arathoon (sailing), Israel Gutiérrez (shooting), Ticas (archery), Jairo Moreno (judo), Celina Márquez (swimming) and Nixon Hernández (swimming).


2024-07-03 14:41:13
#Roberto #Hernandez #joins #Olympic #Games


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