SEP Judo Club Celebrates Successful Season with Graduation and Awards Ceremony

Course. 35 judokas Graded and 14 rewarded.. The award ceremony and trophies took place on Wednesday, June 26 at the SEP judo club. It closes the season.

The president wanted to salute the teaching team, the volunteers and the coaches. This season, excellent results were obtained with podiums in Loire and interregional for the juniors.

This solemn gathering was also an opportunity for the club to present its sports trophies to Mélusine Brun, champion of the Loire, Éliane Drejza and Lukas Faure. The young hopefuls’ trophies were awarded to Manon Jandard and Étienne Bischoff. The SEP challenge, which focuses on attitude in the dojo and which honours judokas who respect the values ​​of the moral code of judo, was awarded to Carel Iannone and eight other deserving young people.

2024-07-04 05:16:27
#judokas #graded #rewarded


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