Shut your mouth, Del Bosque – The penultimate living Raulista

He virus of the Idiocy has taken over the soccer españolThe I Don’t Know What that Moncloa has put there for I Don’t Know What Things, the left-handed Marquis of Of the Bosquehe said last night on the SER, and in reference to Nico Williams and Lamine Yamal, the following: “We have two immigrants who have made us better, although some people don’t like it.” Who doesn’t like it, Marqués? Who? Let’s see, Vicente, you won a World Cup but you’re not Churchill… For a time, in the middle of the post-war period and long after, Spain, your country and mine, was a factory of migrants, which is what people who move from one place to another for whatever reason are called. In the Spanish case, the issue in many cases was nothing other than sheer necessity. There were Spaniards who, out of necessity or because they wanted to improve their quality of life and that of their family, were forced to leave here in order to get ahead. I’m sure that you, who are older than me, have examples of what I’m saying in your environment. I, for example, belong to a family of immigrants. My uncle Manuel, may he rest in peace, had to go to Switzerland. My aunt Rosa, who is still alive, had to go a little further away, to Australia. And she and my cousins ​​are still there. I don’t know how you get around in the beautiful red people with iPhone 15 Pro Max, but when people go to work somewhere, they do so with their papers in order. My uncles Manuel, Andrea, Rosa and Amador did it. They worked their butts off to bring home a decent salary.

What I think you are referring to in a vague and rather demagogic way is the immigration irregularwhich of course is something that the European Union doesn’t like, Marqués. Europe doesn’t like it. So much so that, although in the European style, the Union has decided to take the security of the external borders and the control of the internal ones seriously. They (we) are so worried in Europe that in the spring Eurobarometer, irregular immigration was already the main problem for the citizens of twenty states of the Union. As I assume you are informed about the special geographical circumstances of Spain, I’ll skip that chapter, which I assume you passed. I’ll also skip the part about the mafias, read about it because it’s terrible. In 2023, nearly 60,000 irregular immigrants arrived in Spain, Marqués, which was 82% more than in 2022. I don’t know how many arrived in Salamanca, but certainly much fewer than in the Canary Islands, which is collapsed, Del Bosque.

I would like you to go there to explain your great contribution because more than 70% went to the islands. In the first two weeks of 2024, another 3,768 irregular migrants had already arrived in our country. Since Marquesolandia I don’t know how things look but for ordinary people, that is, for people on the street who are not lucky enough to be named Marquis For the King, this is a problem. A problem that you, chosen by Sánchez Castejón for No Se Sabe Qué Cosas, aired yesterday on the Ser with the typical poop, ass, fart, pee of a three-year-old child. And you don’t have them, Marquis, he’s no longer three but seventy-three. If your contribution to the problem of illegal immigration is to propose that they continue entering until the bottleneck blows up in the hope that within twenty years two other extremely skilled wingers appear for selection, you’d better shut up. I’m telling you this, of course, from the profound admiration and respect that you know we all have for you here. But, as Curcio said, the deepest rivers are always the quietest. Be deep. And shut your mouth.

2024-07-04 17:29:31
#Shut #mouth #Del #Bosque #penultimate #living #Raulista


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