South Korean Basketball Player Heo Eun Files Lawsuit Against Former Partner for Drugs and Blackmail


[July 1, KOREA WAVE]On the 26th, Heo Eun, a player for the South Korean professional basketball team Busan KCC Aegis, filed a lawsuit against his former partner for drug use and other crimes.

Heo Eun’s lawyer visited the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul at around 5:30 pm on the same day and filed the complaint, alleging that her ex-boyfriend was involved in attempted blackmail, intimidation, and violations of the Stalking Punishment Act and the Drug Control Act.

According to the lawyer, Heo Eun met his ex-girlfriend through an acquaintance at the end of 2018 and they became lovers. However, due to differences in personality and opposition from both parents, they broke up around December 2021.

During their relationship, his ex-girlfriend became pregnant twice. During the first pregnancy, Heo Eun promised his ex-girlfriend that he would take responsibility for the child, but she decided to have an abortion of her own volition, saying that she wanted to have children after marriage.

When she was pregnant for the second time, Ho Eun said, “Let’s give birth,” but her ex-boyfriend wanted to get married before the birth. In the end, with the two of them agreeing, her ex-boyfriend had a second abortion.

When Heo Eun said she wanted to put off marriage for a while, her ex-boyfriend suddenly changed his attitude, demanding 300 million won (approximately US$330,000) by threatening to expose her private life in the media and on social media.

Even after they broke up, her ex-boyfriend continued to stalk and threaten her for nearly four years, even leading her to harm herself. “This began to interfere with her career as an athlete, which is why she filed the lawsuit,” her lawyer explained.

Heo Un was born in 1993. He is the eldest son of Heo Jae, who was known as the “basketball president,” and led his team, KCC Aegis, to the top in 2023-2024. His younger brother, Heo Hoon, is also a key guard for Suwon KT.

(c)news1/KOREA WAVE/AFPBB News

2024-06-30 22:08:46
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