State Police Execute Search Decree on Ultras Fans After Brawl

The State Police executed a decree of search, issued by the Prosecutor’s Office Nolatowards 20 ultras fans from Naples and 4 from SyracuseThe measure comes after the events that occurred on May 5th when, in the hours preceding the national championship match of Serie D Real Casalnuovo-Siracusa Football a fire broke out brawl.

The activity was performed by the Digos of the Police Headquarters of Napolitogether with the staff of the Central Directorate of Prevention Police and with the collaboration of the Digos of Syracuse, Cosenza, Salerno e Latina.

In the afternoon of 5 maggioa significant number of Neapolitan ultras attributable to the groups Nuova Guardia, Masseria, Mastiffs, Barone, Spirito Libero, Rione Sanità, Nuova Stirpe and Sbandati, which usually occupy the Curve A of the Maradona Stadiumdressed in dark clothes and with their faces covered, according to the reconstruction, would have gathered in the municipality of Casalnuovo di Napoli and then continued towards the municipal stadium and near the Nelson Mandela Squarethey would have taken he gets into a brawl with the opposing Syracuse fans hitting each other with baseball bats, poles, sticksamong other things. During the fight two Syracuse fans they reported personal injury. The clashes were apparently caused by the twinning relationship existing between the Neapolitan ultras fans and those of the Cataniaquest’ultima bitter enemy of the Siracusa fans. The facts were reconstructed also thanks to the analysis of the video surveillance cameras. The police commissioner of the province of Napoli has initiated the procedure for the imposition of fines against the accused Daspo.


2024-07-04 09:50:37
#Curva #groups #searched


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