Struggle for a New National Dojo: The Future of Senegalese Judo

The Senegalese judo family recently received quality equipment that would allow the Senegalese Judo and Associated Disciplines Federation to organize high-level events and competitions. But, such joy cannot be consistent at a time when this discipline that has brought Senegal several glories no longer has a national dojo. News, demolition of the old national dojo and the federation’s project, Ababacar Ngom, the head of Senegalese judo, spoke to Wiwsport. Mr. Ngom did not fail to mention the participation of his protégé, Mbagnick Ndiaye, in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

When will the new national dojo be available for the federation?

We asked the Ministry of Sports to return the dojo to us. Because until now, we are convinced that the departure of judo from the national dojo and the headquarters of the federation which was in this symbolic place since the 70s, has slowed down the development of our art. We find this decision very abusive for the good development of judo.

We alerted the authorities to take back our rights. We are convinced that the conditions of allocation to the real estate developer do not meet any rules. In fact, we are told that the site belongs to the State. Which is relative because it was a former post office hangar that was used to group postal packages. Judo, which was achieving results, was just looking for a place to settle down.

What happened with the previous regime?

The regime at the time told our leaders to find a place. Which they did by finding this site which was in conditions that no one wanted, with rats they told me. It took 4 tanks of firefighters to clean it. It was laborious to put it back in good condition. In the moral code of judo, there is honor and respect for the given word. And this is unfortunately what was not done by the previous regime. By law, this site does not belong to Judo. But in fact, we can say the opposite because we lived there for 50 years.

From what you say, it is unacceptable not to have a dojo?

Every country in the world has a national dojo in the capital. This allows every member of the judo family as soon as they travel somewhere to be able to train there, share expertise. And at the same time, it is the headquarters of the federation. It is not just a dojo. The grade passages, the general assemblies, the grade days are held in this place. The mini judo

You know, there are 300 young people in the junior category who train on Wednesdays and Thursdays, two sessions per age group. Their parents who are senior executives know the importance of this sport in their children’s education. It is the only discipline that UNESCO recommends in school education. And all these great people suddenly find themselves on the street.

A situation which contrasts with this material support from the International Federation?

In terms of results and management, we are eligible for this cooperative. That is why the IJF (International Judo Federation) granted us this equipment. Now, the debate was yes, we recognize you, but your country does not recognize you by destroying your only national dojo. This is contrary to your results, 35 gold medals in 2023 in opens where there are 35 to 40 countries, around 300 participating athletes. It was difficult to debate on it with arguments, given the situation that judo is experiencing in Senegal. Fortunately, we have remained consistent with our performances. With this equipment, we will be able to organize grand prix, grand slams, world championships. It is the same quality equipment that is used everywhere else.

What concrete actions have been developed to restart the national dojo?

We have contacted our office, the judicial department to challenge this decision to demolish the Amara Dabo national dojo. We are going to contact the public prosecutor with the support of the Ministry of Sports. Because you can’t raze a sports facility overnight. We invested more than 100 million in these places for the construction of the premises and our administration. We have the before and after photos. You know, at the time of the eviction, they first came to cut off the water, then the electricity and it was after that we saw the bulldozers arrive. You know, even this equipment that we have just presented, we had already received it at the time, then we had to distribute it to friends’ houses to keep it.

Would you be ready to start over on new bases compared to a judo den?

We have a project on 3ha to build a training center with all the amenities that can accommodate all martial arts like the large centers found in North Africa and around the world. Dakar is more accessible in terms of travel. This project has already been accepted by the International Judo Federation, which is of the opinion to make our capital the hub of African judo. So, apart from the national dojo which is 700m2 which is quite logical, we have a bigger vision behind it.

2024-07-05 14:25:49
#National #Dojo #Demolition #Affair #Federation #President #Tells #Regime #Truth #Abusive #Decision #Reflect #Results #Judo


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