Success and Celebration at Asptt Gaillac Badminton Section General Meeting

Last Thursday, the general meeting of the badminton section of Asptt Gaillac was held at the Pichery gymnasium. The opportunity to take stock of the year with its 96 members, more than a third of whom are young people, and a place of

5th for the team of competitors. This regulatory obligation does not usually attract crowds, but followed by a good barbecue, it goes down better. The young people who had a session just before stayed part of the evening to enjoy this festive evening with the adults and some parents. It was also the occasion to present the prizes to the first three of the youth and adult challenge.

This year, on both sides the tables were shaken up and uncertain until the last match with victory on goal average for Aymeric in the adults followed by two youngsters Nael and Killian.

In the youth category, the trio remains the same but in a different order, namely Mylan’s victory in the last match, followed by Rafael and Ernest who once again fought until the end to be on the podium. The evening continued in a very good atmosphere, around the barbecue and some played despite the heat. The activity will continue in a reduced way during the holidays and if it is too hot to play, we will play pétanque. There is progress to be made! See you at the beginning of September for a new season.

2024-07-05 03:14:00
#players #good #record #Asptt #badminton


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