Success and Growth: A Recap of the Badminton Club of Appamé’s Season

The badminton club of Appamé has completed its season on the courts. A look back at a positive year and direction the Bayle gymnasium, stronghold of the BCAP, on the occasion of the club’s general meeting. Chantal Palanque, the president, was logically re-elected to her position. She was particularly satisfied with the dynamism of her team. But also with the constant emulation of the public around badminton, a discipline that brings together more and more fans with rackets in hand.

She looks back at the last edition. “Several tournaments were held during the season. First in October for the integration of new players, then in December for the Christmas tournament. But also a blackminton evening in January which was, as always, a success with around fifty participants. The tournament held in April, which was sold out, met with great enthusiasm and the presence of players from all over the region, and even further afield to compete. 62 pairs of doubles competed on Saturday and 54 pairs of mixed teams were in the running on Sunday. 193 matches were played over the weekend, including 107 on Saturday and 86 on Sunday. 39 clubs were represented, mainly from the Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, but also a player from Chamalières (63), Chilly-Mazarin (91), Sisteron (04), i.e. 5 leagues and 15 committees represented.”

In terms of results on the courts, it was great form. 34 players, including youngsters, took part in tournaments throughout the season. In the men’s category, the best results were given to Damien Moreau ahead of Mathieu Baly. In the women’s category, Chantal Palanque ahead of Pauline Latorre.

In total, the players traveled to 74 tournaments throughout the season for 18 victories and 21 finalist places. To conclude, the gym remains open during the summer period.

2024-07-02 13:01:00
#Pamiers #great #season #badminton #courts


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