Success at the French D2 Archery Championship: Arc Club Montceau Bourgogne’s Strong Showing

This weekend, the Final of the French D2 Archery Championship was held in Brienon-sur-Armançon (89).

In Division 2 classic bow, 32 teams are selected. They are divided into 4 groups. Throughout the outdoor season, the 8 clubs in the group meet in each of the rounds.

In each round, at the end of a qualifying phase on a 2x70m, all the teams meet in a two-way match according to a match table established at the start of the season.

At the end of the 3 D2 rounds, the first 4 teams from the 4 groups – 16 teams – are selected to compete in the final of the French D2 Championship, allowing promotion to D1 the following season and awarding the title of French D2 champion of the year.

The Arc Club Montceau Bourgogne was represented by a women’s team and a men’s team!

Our 2 teams arrived the day before in torrential rain. The archers were however able to train before Sunday’s competition. The final day takes place in two stages: a qualification phase then matches.

The women’s team: Laetitia Balthazard, Marine Guérin, Doriane Nunes, Sylvie Rave – coach: Fabien Bosset

The women’s team finished first in their group before the final.

She finished 13th after qualifying with 1590 points and then in 14th place after the matches.

The men’s team: Kevin Desvignes, Alryck Fournet-Fayard, Eddy Nunes, Martial Taulemesse – coach: Grégory Lanfumey

The men’s team finished 3rd in their group before the final.

She finished 12th after qualifying with 1760 points and then in 9th place after the matches.

Our 2 teams are staying in division 2! Well done to them who defended themselves very well, and thank you to the coaches for leading them throughout the season!

It was a great experience for our archers, see you next year for new competitions in D2! The season is not over yet for them, 8 of them will participate in the individual French championship in July.

2024-07-02 03:14:00
#Arc #Club #Montceau #Bourgogne #Montceau #News


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