Successes Abound at Pinocchio Fitarco Trophy and 25-Meter Race in Tuscany

Thursday 18 April 2024 – 07:17

In Capezzano Pianore (Lu) on April 7, 2024, the Pinocchio Fitarco Trophy, and on April 6, the 25-meter race in Prato, a lot of work but many successes.

“The archers of the Archi del Grande Falco face a super job, concentrating on single competitions see Dora Cafaro and her brother Leonardo (said without obligation for friends) immediately winning the first competition at 25 meters Fitarco in Prato on April 6, surprising the group because it was done to train for the Pinocchio winter phase in Pianore di Lucca the following day, they both take home a nice first place (very welcome in the chopping board of another falcon Edoardo”.

The principal of the Grande Falco Arches, Patresi Bolano, made this known, adding: “A beautiful victory with a beautiful score for both Dora and Leonardo Cafaro brothers. Let’s now move on to the most important competition for our very young boys, who shoot in the Olympic division and wait every year to compete with all their peers, to have fun and maybe earn the coveted final which would mean taking the bus that the Fitarco federation prepares to take all the boys from Tuscany (the best in the categories) to Rome to participate in the National phase. This year the location for the winter phase was Capezzano Pianore where the under 13 boys of the Grande Falco, chosen and prepared, were 14, with two who are just at their first arrows, Alice Lisanti 2nd place and Ciomei Melissa 1st place, both aged 7 in a competition called ‘experimental’ precisely, as they are younger than the minimum age required and made their debut competing therefore outside the classification and already knowing the environment of the competition”.

“Then followed by well-known names Peria Filippo, Palella Lorenzo, Cafaro Leonardo, Manca Flavio, Anselmi Zeno, Parrini Giulio, Ciomei Edoardo and the girls, Dora Cafaro, Imbrisca Gioia, Grasso Alessia and Giunchino Sveva. – explains Bolano – Starting at 6.30 means for some people getting up at 5 in the morning to catch the ship, arriving at the shooting range at 9.30, assembling the bow, warming up to be ready and it’s already hard work as it is; but the group is prepared and at the starting whistle you can see the boys ready already under the raising of the flag with the Mameli anthem in the background. The novelty is bringing two very young 7-year-olds who have not yet signed up for the real under-13 competition that starts at 9 years old, but are valid for the experimental Pinocchio, in which they find themselves competing for first place, namely Melissa and Alice, who have a lot of fun and in the end Melissa wins the competition by just a few points over Alice”.

“The Olympic division competition of the very young Pippo and Giulio and Edoardo who just arrived were very hotly contested, with three other archers from Pisa supported by the barebow world champion and the Fitarco barebow instructor and former world champion, but nothing and no one can beat Pippo who wins his competition. Good placing for Giulio and Edoardo respectively fifth and seventh who reach the podium as a very young team by a hair’s breadth of second. – continues Bolano – We then go to the Olympic division boys, a nice third place for Leonardo and Lorenzo fifth, Flavio sixth and a good race by Anselmi Zeno who arrives fifth, inaugurating our compound division both for the Grande Falco and the Federation. We move on to the girls where we see the second place of Alessia Grasso shine, very close to the champion Vera Serio, and then move on to the beautiful podiums of Gioia 2nd and Dora 3rd, to the fourth of Sveva who is the smallest but never gives up and arrives very close to the podium. In addition Dora, Gioia and Sveva also arrive first as a team. Beautiful sunny day where the boys, accompanied and supported by sisters Guenda and Irene Peria, finish tired but very satisfied and there are 9 medals, with satisfied parents and the president who rejoices and recharges for the new adventures. Honor and long life to the Great Hawk!”

2024-04-18 07:00:00
#medals #Great #Hawk #Arches


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