Summer Badminton Offered by Badminton Association BAN in Amersfoort

3 July 2024 at 07:43 Badminton

AMERSFOORT Badminton association BAN (Badminton Amersfoort Noord) is offering summer badminton again this year. From July 10 to Friday August 23, sporty adults can go to the Juliana van Stolberg sports hall on the Leusderweg on Wednesday mornings from 08:30 to 11:00.

Summer badminton starts on Friday evening on July 12, from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM, in sports hall De Bieshaar in Hoogland. Both members and non-members are welcome. At both locations, there is a rotation after each round. On Wednesday morning, this is arranged centrally and on Friday evening by hanging name tags that are available to the guests. Afterwards, there is an opportunity to chat in the canteen, while enjoying a drink. Athletes who are not members of a badminton club can also participate in summer badminton at BAN. Participation for BAN members is free, non-BAN members pay 3.00 euros per time. Interested parties do not have to register in advance, but they do need to bring their own sportswear. Rackets are available for loan.


“Badminton is much more than a fun camping game or on the street on a windless evening. It is an Olympic sport, the fastest indoor sport in the world. Because badminton is played indoors, it can be practiced all year round. BAN is a versatile badminton association for youth, adults, recreational players and competition players. All BAN youth players and adult competition players receive training, aimed at their participation in the national competition. Recreational members can practice their sport at BAN up to three times a week”, says Huub Wiltschut, secretary of BAN.


For beginners, the badminton season starts again in September. Anyone who wants to get acquainted with badminton as a dynamic sport can then come and play three times at BAN, completely free of charge and without obligation.

For more information, please visit the website: www.banbadminton.nlemail via info@banbadminton or telephone number 06 83 851 499.

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2024-07-03 11:44:12
#Summer #badminton #BAN #News #Amersfoort #region


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