Summer Heat and Baseball: Halfway Through the EBL Championship Season

With the summer heat we enter the heart of the amateur championship EBL (Eastern Baseball League); the seven participating teams find themselves, with the arrival of July, at the halfway point of the regular season that will continue until the end of the month. Having skipped the double match with Padova in mid-June, which forfeited due to the lack of the minimum number of players (thus determining a double victory by default for Ferrara), we are finally back to picking up bats and gloves. On the familiar diamond of Marrara, on Sunday 30 June the double match with the “Metros Venezia” was played, captained by the veteran Alessandro Calzati. Play ball!

Game 1 Metros Venezia @ Ferrara baseball: A warm but not too muggy day is the backdrop to a match that starts off fairly balanced. The Metros manage to score a point right away in the first inning, but the Ferraresi respond and get even, also taking advantage of several walks conceded by the opposing pitcher. The games are tied until halfway through the second inning, when in the bottom part the Ferraresi manage to extend their lead thanks to consecutive hits by shortstop Luis Morel and catcher Giovanni Novi, who bring home 4 RBI. The Estensi manage to contain the attacks of the Leone di San Marco who gives a couple of paws in the final, scoring another 2 points in the last inning. These, however, are not enough, president Tura manages to close the game on the mound containing the damage, for a final result of 4-7 in favor of the Ferraresi. A balanced and hard-fought game, with few errors in defense on both sides.

Game 2 Ferrara baseball @ Metros Venezia: Half an hour break, just to recharge the batteries in the shade, and off we go with the second match. Ferrara starts well by immediately scoring two runs (triple by Morel), but in the 2nd inning the Venetians respond with heavy blasts that seem to worry the Ferrara defense and pitcher’s mound. At the end of the second inning, Venice leads by one run. The third inning, however, starts with a bang for the Ferrara team, encouraged by a nice home run (actually a double, by field rule) hit on the first pitch by shortstop Morel, who sends the ball into the alfalfa. The cannon shot revives the spirits: thanks above all to well-coordinated team plays (hit and run, sacrifice flies) the Ferrara team manages to put another 3 runs on the scoreboard, then extending their lead by another 3 more points during the last innings. Note the first runs batted in by rookie Mattia Devecchi. Estense starting pitcher Fabrizio Gentili finally manages to close out the last inning, despite the Metros managing to load the bases, forcing the Ferraresi to remain alert and focused until the last out. Second victory therefore for the Ferraresi, who close 9-5.

MVP: never before has Ferrara baseball been seen as cohesive and united as a team, with few errors in defense, a solid pitching mound, and a productive attack capable of bringing home the runners who went on base. The difficulty of determining a single MVP player testifies to the good progress made by the Ferrara group, both in terms of play on the field and the atmosphere in the clubhouse. A special mention goes to the tireless pitcher of the “Metros Venezia”, Davide Crespi, who pitched both complete games. The mutual compliments exchanged at the end of the day between the two teams for the fairness and respect shown on the field seal a beautiful day of sport.

The standings now see Ferrara Baseball in second place, with 4 games left in total. Next appointment away from home for our team who will face the “Shark Brothers” next Sunday in Conegliano.

For anyone curious to try the sport of baseball, all the information on training, games and meetings can be found on the Ferrara Baseball website and social pages.

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2024-07-02 22:03:21
#Baseball #Ferrara #wins #convinces #double #victory #home #Metros #Venezia


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