Tamaulipas Association to Host State Selective Judo Tournament for National Federation Qualifiers

As a qualifier for national Federation events, the State Selective Judo Tournament will be held next Saturday, July 13, organized by the Tamaulipas Association of the specialty, with the support of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) through its Sports and Recreation Department of the Liaison Secretariat.

The competition will take place at the University Gymnasium on the Victoria campus, starting at 9:00 in the morning, beginning with the Mini Baby categories (5 and 6 years old) and Baby (7-8).

Starting at 11:00 a.m., the Pre-Infant (9-10), Under-13, Under-15, Cadets Under-18, Junior Under-21, First Force, and those 15 years and older, in all their divisions, both branches, will come into action.

Cecilia Martínez Aguilera, president of the Tamaulipas Judo Association AC and Sensei of the UAT Victoria Dojo, expects the participation of more than 40 exponents from the Musashi, Alfa, Siglo XXI, Ronin, Judokan, Judo Forza and Judos Sport dojos.

2024-07-03 19:55:19
#UATs #Victoria #venue #state #Judo #tournament


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