The ‘à la carte’ report that Rubiales is clinging to in order to prove his innocence saw his fixed and variable salary as unethical

Almost three years after Luis Rubiales presented the new format of the Spain SupercupFrancisco Javier Puyol, a judge on leave hired by the Real spanish soccer federationissued a Compliance report to analyze a contract that very few have seen completed even today and that is currently under the scrutiny of justice for alleged irregularities.

For this reason, Puyol has had to testify today as a witness before the judge in the Super Cup case just after Pedro González Segura, former director of the RFEF’s legal services, did so as a defendant. The 26-page report written by Puyol, and to which El Periódico de España, of Prensa Ibérica, has had access, supports the version that the former president later maintained in court.

In that document, for example, the “full legal and economic legality” of the contract and ensures that “the remuneration system and the remuneration of the president of the RFEF, composed of fixed and variable items, is fully in accordance with the law, without raising significant ethical questions“. Shortly afterwards, however, Rubiales consolidated a fixed salary of 675,000 euros plus 3,000 euros per month in housing assistance.

A report ‘à la carte’

However, according to what this newspaper has been able to find out from legal sources present at his statement, Puyol has assured that the report was a Commission of the Federationand that, therefore, his intention was not to cause harm with his conclusions.

The irregularity of this “à la carte” report, they explain to this newspaper, is that it was about analyze a contract signed three years earlierwhich was already in progress and which, in addition, was already under the scrutiny of the courts at that time. “The normal thing in a true Compliance report is that it would have been prior to the signing,” say sources in the case, who see it as another maneuver by Rubiales to protect himself legally.

In fact, the report is so in line with the then president’s speech that it even points out that “there has been a Violation of the fundamental rights of Luis Rubiales“, specifically the rights “to personal privacy and the violation of the confidentiality of communications” due to articles published in the press. “The information obtained is of illicit origin“, the document concludes.

Reinforces the independence of the commissions to Piqué

Puyol’s report, which consists of 26 pages and was issued at the end of May 2022, when the case had already reached the media, also deals with the role played by KosmosGerard Piqué’s company, to bring the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia.

Although the investigation being carried out by the Civil Guard maintains that the Payment of a commission to Piqué served as a criterion for prioritising the Arab offer Unlike others, Rubiales maintained in court that these payments were a private matter between the Saudis and the company of the then FC Barcelona player.

Puyol maintains that the RFEF “did not pay or charge commissions, whether legal or illegal” to Kosmos and that the “only firm offer for the organisation of the Spanish Super Cup” was that of Saudi Arabia, since he is “not aware of the existence of other offers such as that of the State of Qatar”.

For his part, Pedro González Segura, who was director of the RFEF’s legal services until he was arrested at the end of March during the so-called Brodie operationhas decided not to answer the questions of the various accusations presented in his statement before the Investigating Court number 4 of Majadahonda Madrid.

In reference to his brother Ángel, who is a director of Gruconsa, the construction company under investigation for having allegedly benefited from contracts awarded by the Federation in exchange for bribes, González Segura reportedly said that when a decision had to be made regarding this company, he decided to abstain.

2024-07-02 17:04:02
#carte #report #Rubiales #clinging #order #prove #innocence #fixed #variable #salary #unethical


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