The Benefits and Risks of Physical Activity During Pregnancy: What Sports to Avoid and Which are Safe

The practice of a physical activity is very beneficial during pregnancyboth for the mother-to-be and for her baby. But pregnancy is associated with physiological and morphological changes, so it is important toadapt your practice to these changes. “We must take into consideration the risks related to the sport itself and be vigilant about the patient’s obstetric history and clinical situation“, recalls the obstetrician-gynecologist. Some activities are better suited than others to pregnancy and racket sports, badminton, tennis or even squash, are not the most recommended.

The benefits of sport for pregnant women

THE positive effects of physical activity are indisputable, both to combat weight gain and to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.“, explains Professor Huissoud. Sport also has a very favorable impact on lower back pain, it allows you toimprove venous circulationto prevent transit disorders, to improve mobility or to strengthen the perineum. Physical activity is also excellent for morale and contributes to the overall well-being of the future mother.

Can you play sports while pregnant and what sports should you play during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women gain on average between 10 and 15 kg. Weight gain is linked to the growth of the fetus, placenta, uterus, amniotic fluid, but also half to the increase in blood volume, water retention, and fat reserves.This weight gain occurs mainly above the pelvis and changes the center of gravity. Be careful with your body balance! All sports that can cause a fall must be practiced with great caution.“, insists Professor Huissoud. The latter recalls that this weight gain stresses the cardiovascular system. Very early in pregnancy, the heart’s output increases by 30 to 40%. It is therefore necessary to avoid activities that place too much strain on cardiovascular function.

Pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone, also impact joints, especially central joints (spine and pelvis).The patients are more exposed to lower back pain, pelvis pain, pubic symphysis painThese local inflammations can sometimes be painful and limit movement.”, adds the gynecologist. Another limitation to take into consideration when you want to do sports during pregnancy. It is better to favor sports that do not put too much strain on the joints, without shocks, trauma or vibrations, such as swimming for example.

Pregnancy: can you play badminton, squash or tennis when pregnant?

Squash, tennis and badminton are very invigorating sports which are not to be preferred during pregnancy“, explains the gynecologist. The joints are a little looser and, due to the ligament hyperlaxity linked to progesterone, the risk of sprain is increased when we practice these sports made of counter-attacks and stop and go.

It is therefore advisable to be very careful if you want to play badminton. But This remains possible at the beginning of pregnancy and until the second quarter, if we play quietly.

Badminton: how to play during pregnancy?

As with any sporting activity, you should not do not skip the warm-up stepespecially ankles, shoulders and ankles. Also be careful to eat properly before the activity, a high fiber breakfast to avoid cravings and hypoglycemia, but also to hydrate well. The ideal is to play indoors, so as not to expose yourself to too much heat. We play without performance objectives and we favor doubles, which requires less movement and effort.

When to stop exercising during pregnancy and which sports are prohibited?

THE respiratory changes during pregnancy are mostly related to mechanical issues, when the diaphragm is compressed due to the growing uterus. But these breathing difficulties, with the sensation of not getting enough air, can occur earlier in pregnancy due to anemia.It is therefore better to favor sports that are not too cardiotonic and practice a rather gentle activity, over time”advises Professor Huissoud.

Pregnant women listen to their bodies and it is quite rare that they do not moderate themselves in the presence of worrying clinical signs. They even tend to be in theexcess rest“, adds the doctor. Generally speaking, few women still engage in intense physical activity from the second trimester of pregnancy. At this stage of pregnancy, intense activities and contact sports or sports with a risk of falling should be avoided: team sports, horse riding, combat sports, climbing, road cycling, etc.

Thanks to Professor Cyril Huissoud, gynecologist-obstetrician and Secretary General of the CNGOF (National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians).

2024-07-03 09:30:50
#play #badminton #pregnant #Precautions #pregnant #women


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