The European Parliament leaves Comín without a seat until a new judgment of the European justice

BrusselsThe European Parliament has left the seat of Junts MEP Toni Comín vacant until there is a new ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ratifying that compliance with the Constitution is not a essential step to be recognized as a representative of the Eurochamber. As reported by Efe and confirmed by Ara, the community chamber understands that the former health minister can travel to Madrid and swear to the Magna Carta because he enjoys immunity and, therefore, considers that he would not be arrested.

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The Eurochamber upholds a ruling by the European Court of Justice that recognizes that former MEP Oriol Junqueras should have enjoyed immunity in 2019 to go to Madrid and comply with the Constitution. However, neither Comín nor ex-president Carles Puigdemont have traveled to the State because they would risk being arrested, especially because the arrest warrant has nothing to do with facts related to their parliamentary activity, but with the Process .

Sources of the European Parliament assure that it is a purely technical decision and that the Eurochamber is limited to taking note of the information sent to it by the Central Electoral Board (JEC), which this Monday left the seat in Comín vacant for not having sworn to the Constitution. It must be remembered, however, that the former president of the European Parliament, the social democrat David Sassoli, also gave the seat to Junts MEPs even though the JEC did not recognize them.

In fact, Sassoli relied on the same judgment in the Junqueras case which states that a “person elected to the European Parliament acquires the status of member from the official announcement of the result and enjoys from that moment the related immunities”. Despite this, the current president of the European Parliament, the conservative Roberta Metsola, has preferred to wait for a new ruling from the European Court of Justice on the specific case of Junts MEPs, which is expected to come out in the coming months.

Precisely, this Monday Comín took it “for granted” in statements to the media that the president of the European Parliament, the Maltese conservative Roberta Metsola, will act “in accordance with European law” and give her the seat. And, if not, he threatened to sue her in the European courts. At the moment, however, the member still does not have official confirmation of the European Parliament’s decision to leave his seat vacant, at least temporarily.

2024-07-02 18:50:22
#European #Parliament #leaves #Comín #seat #judgment #European #justice


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