The Evolution of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: From Ground Fighting to International Sport

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, also known as BJJ, was born from Judo around 1920, when master Mitsuyo Maeda taught the fundamentals of ground fighting (ne-waza) to students such as Carlos Gracie and Luis França.

Over the years it became a fully-fledged sport with its own rules and gyms. Now it is a combat sport specializing in ground fighting practiced all over the world with international competitions.

It is also studied as a self-defense model and also for female defense, excellent for becoming aware of one’s body and gaining self-confidence. As a form of self-defense, its version without a kimono, Grappling, is more suitable.

2024-07-04 20:03:55
#Brazilian #Jiu #Jitsu #Grappling


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