The Fall of Mario Balotelli

We have used metaphors, allegories and hyperboles, at least on these pages, in abundance. We have spoken of stars and stables, of meteors, of princes, of fables. This time we speak of falls and we do it in both senses: the literal one and the metaphorical one.

At the centre of this story is Mario Balotellistriker playing for Adana Demirspor, in Turkey. One, we are ready to unleash the provocation, of the last strikers of our national team that just as he was being talked about was eliminated in the way we all know from the European Championships, at the hands of Switzerland.

Balotelli’s video, spread on social media. Photo Source: La7

The social controversy

Let’s start with the literal fall, the one that circulated online in a video, which obviously went viral in a few minutes. There’s Mario Balotelli, with his friends, perhaps drunk, who falls to the ground, laughs and gets up again. The writing, superimposed, says “Balotelli has a better night than you”. Scandal, controversy, criticism, summary trials. And obviously convictions. So a few days later the former Inter striker intervenes, entrusting his response to another video: “I wanted to say my piece on the video that circulated online where I fall to the ground, run, roll with my friends. I don’t see what the problem is in spending an evening with friends to have fun and joke around without hurting anyone”. Balotelli then accuses the press and journalists of having spread and given publicity only to that video, without showing other photos in which he was seen in a completely different condition. “After an Italy like this, the news that must come out is that I’m drunk?” he concluded.

The muscles of Balotelli. Photo Font: Open

What happened to Mario Balotelli?

Almost 200 career goals, spread between Ligue 1, Premier League, Serie A but also in Serie B, in Turkey, in Switzerland, Balotelli’s career has taken a strange turn, normal for some given his “hot head”, absurd for others given his talent. I gol all’Inter, al Manchester City, al Milan e al Liverpoolafter all, cannot go unnoticed, just like the more than 50 centres scored in France, first with the Nice and then with the Marseille.

Then the fall, metaphorical this time: Brescia, Monza, Adana Demirspor, Sion and again Adana. Away from the big circuits, away from the attention of the big teams. Away, obviously, from the national team. His last appearance? In Italy Poland, 1-1, in the Uefa Nation League, in 2018. On the pitch there were Bonucci and Chiellini, Zappacosta and Biraghi, Gagliardini, Bernardeschi and Insigne. Pellegrini, Donnarumma and Jorginho were already there. It seems like an era has passed. The results, however, are always the same.

2024-07-02 14:27:52
#Fall #Mario #Balotelli


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