The History of Korean Diplomacy and Achievements: A Timeline from 1880 to 2023


July 5, 2024 00:00







Kim Hongjip, a Korean envoy, and his entourage went to Japan in 1880. The envoys were diplomatic envoys sent by Korea to Japan in the late Joseon Dynasty.

In 1900, the Han River Iron Bridge was built. The Han River Iron Bridge is the first bridge across the Han River in South Korea, and it is also the first bridge built with the introduction of new technology. The bridge has four lines A, B, C and D. Line A was built in 1897 and opened to traffic on July 5, 1900. Line B and Line C were opened to traffic in 1912 and 1944 respectively. In June 1950, in order to prevent the Korean People’s Army from moving south, all three lines A, B, and C were bombed and were not repaired until June 1969. Line D was completed in 1995.

In 1907, the three special envoys dispatched by Emperor Gaozong to The Hague, Netherlands (Li Xiangxi, Li Jun, and Li Weizhong) attended the Second Peace Conference of All Nations and submitted a protest claiming that the “Eulsi Protection Treaty” was invalid, exposing Japan’s aggressive ambitions. , calling on European and American powers to intervene to restore South Korea’s sovereignty. However, this diplomatic activity ended in failure due to Japan’s obstruction and the indifference of the great powers. This incident was called the Hague Envoy Incident, also known as the Hague Envoy Incident.

In 1935, five anti-Japanese movement groups in South Korea established the Korean National Revolutionary Party in Nanjing, China.

In 1949, the South Korean government promulgated the Local Self-Government Act.

The First Corps of the Korean Army was established in 1950.

Cheonho Bridge in Seoul was opened to traffic in 1976. Cheonho Bridge is a bridge connecting Gangdong District and Gwangjin District in Seoul.

In 1987, Lee Han-yeol, a student at Yonsei University, died. Lee Han-yeol fell into a coma after being hit by tear gas fired by the police during an anti-government demonstration on June 9 of the same year. He died at 2:05 a.m. on July 5 due to ineffective treatment.

In 1993, the construction of Incheon Subway Line 1 officially started.

In 2001, South Korean baseball player Park Chan-ho was selected to the American Major League Baseball All-Star Team.

In 2006, North Korea tested one Taepodong-2, four Scud missiles and two Nodong medium-range and long-range missiles.

The 2018 inter-Korean unified basketball game entered its second day. The inter-Korean men’s basketball team competed at the Ryugyong Chung Ju-yung Gymnasium in Pyongyang, North Korea, with the South Korean team losing 82-70.

From January to June 2021, South Korea’s agricultural and sideline products price index rose by 12.6% year-on-year, the highest increase in 30 years.

In 2022, Korean-American mathematician June Huh (39) won the Fields Medal, known as the “Nobel Prize” in mathematics. June Huh is a professor at Princeton University and a visiting professor of mathematics at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KIAS).

In 2023, the South Korean military completed the salvage work of North Korean spacecraft and satellite debris. South Korean and American experts jointly conducted a detailed analysis and concluded that the North Korean reconnaissance satellite has no military utility. On May 31 of the same year, North Korea launched the “Cholima 1” spacecraft carrying the “Wanlijing 1” reconnaissance satellite from Dongchang-ri, North Pyongan Province. However, the carrier failed to ignite the second-stage rocket body after the first-stage separation and fell into the sea more than 200 kilometers west of Qingdao in Gunsan City, North Jeolla Province, South Korea. About an hour and 30 minutes later, the South Korean military found an object suspected to be the wreckage of the carrier in the sea near the landing point, and on June 15, the carrier’s secondary rocket body was salvaged from the water. The Korean army’s search and salvage work took a total of 36 days.

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2024-07-04 15:24:26
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