The Judo Club Clémentin Celebrates Record Number of New Black Belts in 2023-2024 Season

The ten new black belts with their teachers: missing Gianni Georges

Never since its creation in 1981, the Judo Club Clémentin has trained as many 1st dan black belts as during this 2023-2024 sports season! Indeed, ten new black belts were trained during this season. A record!

When we know the difficulty and rigor required to obtain a black belt in Judo, we can say that it is a great achievement.

Remember that to obtain this coveted rank of 1st dan black belt, it is mandatory to validate 4 UVs:

The candidate presents the first three series of the nage-no-kata, in the role of tori, and all or part of the three series in the role of uke.
The candidate demonstrates, after drawing lots, 12 techniques (6 in nage-waza, 4 in ne-waza and 2 defense techniques)
The candidate must total 100 points in a competitive situation.
The candidate will have to participate in a half-day sports commissioner training course and also supervise an official event or competition, taking place over 2 half-days, as a sports commissioner.

It is always a real satisfaction and pride for the four teachers of the club, Nicolas Fourmaux, Gianni Georges, Olivier Lohmann and Sébastien Gouot to award a new black belt to one of their students! The latter does not mark an end in itself but rather the beginning of a long journey towards higher grades, and in particular the grade of 6th dan black belt (white/red belt) which marks entry into the very selective sphere of high-ranking officers.

Our ten new recipients were honored at different times during the season. Some had failures on certain UVs but they got back up, they persevered, they reworked and in the end they all reached their final goal. A big congratulations to our 10 samurai!

Maëlle Bertoux, Caroline Bouchoux, Kim Gandriaux, Jade Meunier, Gwendal Deniel, Adam Huard, Corentin Kempf, Fabrice Pelcoq, Yanis Molinot and Quentin Vergnol.

A heterogeneous group with 4 female judokas and 6 male judokas, aged from 14 for the youngest to 36 for the oldest, members of the Dijon espoir pole for some and Judo veterans for others, which shows that there is no ideal age or profile to become a black belt. You simply have to be invested in your Judo practice, want to learn and progress, take into account the advice of elders, teachers, trainers, etc.

The Judo Club Clémentin has recorded for this 2023-2024 season with the arrival of these 10 new black belts a strong contingent of 45 licensed black belts, including 11 women. Jade and Maëlle will have become respectively the 44th and 45th black belt of this season at the club on the same day. We will still have many potential candidates for obtaining the black belt next season.

The volunteers and teachers of the Judo Club Clémentin are obviously very proud, after a season rich in terms of sporting results, of this success also at the level of the training of grades. Congratulations to all!

2024-07-05 13:13:07
#JUDO #Ten #black #belts #Clémentin #judo #club #season


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