The Player Material Debate: A Closer Look at Christoph Kramer’s Perspective

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    Christoph Kramer does not understand the “player material” debate from the perspective of an active professional. He defended moderator Jochen Breyer.

    Berlin – The 2024 European Championship has so far provided numerous sporting highlights. But serious topics are also repeatedly coming into focus during the course of the tournament – such as the term “player material”: In a European Championship broadcast, ZDF presenter Jochen Breyer suggested to the two experts Christoph Kramer and Per Mertesacker that they should no longer use the term in the future. This sparked a discussion online. While Mertesacker now finds diplomatic words, Kramer sharply criticized the matter.

    ZDF bans Kramer from using a certain word: Expert has little understanding – and goes even further

    Kramer had already reacted somewhat irritated during the broadcast. Now he was with Mertesacker in the “Phrasenmäher” podcast of the Bild-Zeitung – and took a clear stance on the subject of “player material”. He did not want to “offend anyone”, but admitted that he “did not understand at all” the uproar surrounding the term.

    He does not agree with the accusations that the term is inhumane and denies the players their humanity. Kramer, who still plays football for Borussia Mönchengladbach, added: “Anyone who feels offended by ‘player material’, I can’t help them anymore,” he said, taking the professionals to task.

    ZDF expert Christoph Kramer has now commented in detail on the “player material” farce. © Jan Huebner / Imago

    Kramer takes players to task – and thought the ZDF case was “a joke”

    Not only as an expert, but also as an active footballer, he has little understanding for calls for a ban on the word. “I am also a player, and when someone says ‘player material’, I don’t think: ‘I am a human being, please!'” Kramer continued. Niclas Füllkrug had contradicted the alleged accusation that the professionals could interpret the term disrespectfully with an ironic greeting.

    The Gladbach star also addressed the role of ZDF presenter Jochen Breyer. “I didn’t even know that there was a discussion about it and thought Jochen wanted to prepare a joke,” explained Kramer, whose future with the “Fohlen” is unclear. He had a slight grin on his face during the ZDF broadcast when Breyer approached the expert duo with the request.

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    Kramer on “player material” farce: ZDF presenter Breyer felt “a bit sorry”

    The 2014 world champion went on to say that he felt “a little sorry” for Breyer. After all, as a moderator, he has to “let all opinions that exist in Germany be heard.” It is also his job to point out such topics and fan concerns.

    The 41-year-old Breyer had already explained in detail the background to the request for a different choice of words when an online debate broke out. According to the report, some supporters had come forward and pointed out the expression “player material” and its possible implications to the journalist. Breyer then tried to raise awareness, but said he never wanted to impose a ban.

    Christoph Kramer defended ZDF presenter Jochen Breyer (pictured) in the context of the “player material” debate and clarified his role. © ActionPictures / Imago

    Fellow expert Mertesacker agrees with Kramer on sensitive debate

    Kramer said that one should “leave things in their own right,” calling for more understanding of the expression from technical jargon, which is not based on any malicious intent. His world champion and ZDF expert colleague Per Mertsacker also commented on the alleged word ban in the podcast and agreed with it somewhat more mildly. Online reactions follow “relatively quickly” and usually in a “wave,” according to the 39-year-old.

    The reactions are often “wild” – as was the case with the “player material” case. However, this “ended nicely” within a few days, said Mertesacker. He also defended Breyer and praised the ZDF man. He “did a good job” and gave a “super” tip, said Mertesacker. He himself always welcomes a debate between the moderators and the players in the studio.

    The “player material” case seems to be closed. Instead, the behavior of England’s Jude Bellingham has now caused anger for ZDF expert Kramer. (wuc)

    2024-07-03 03:12:00
    #Kramer #word #ZDF #expert #step


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