The Railway Secretariat and the First Job Program were created during the first session of the Cabinet Council

On July 3, 2024, the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, led his first Cabinet Council meeting, where the plan to begin the reconstruction of Panama’s roads was presented, and three Executive Decrees were approved, including the first job and that of the National Railway Secretariat, the flagship infrastructure project that the new Government will develop.

Panama-David Railway
The National Railway Secretariat will be an entity attached to the Ministry of the Presidency and will be headed by engineer Henry Faarup. This secretariat will be in charge of the studies, planning and execution of all necessary actions, within the framework of the Political Constitution, the laws and regulations in force of the Republic of Panama, for the development and construction of a “railway” type transportation system for goods and people, which will be called the “Panama-David Railway”.

The entity will manage, with strict transparency, the resources allocated to the execution of the Panama-David Railway. “The Secretariat will have among its powers, to coordinate, with all State entities, civil society and the private sector, all actions that it considers necessary to carry out the execution of the project…”, establishes the Executive Decree approved today by the Cabinet Council.

First job for young people
This Executive Decree, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (MITRADEL), aims to contribute to the reduction of the unemployment rate among young people aged seventeen to twenty-four, through work internships in a business environment, supervised and guided by employability specialists, through the training, certification and guidance of young Panamanians with academic training.

Regional directors and deputy directors of Meduca are up for competition

The other Executive Decree approved today by the Cabinet Council is the one that establishes the procedure for the selection and appointment of regional directors and deputy directors of Education.
This creates the procedure for the selection and appointment of regional directors and deputy directors of Education, in accordance with the Executive Decree.

The competition for the appointment of regional directors and deputy directors of Education will be divided into six (6) stages, as follows: call, opening, application, evaluation of candidates, determination of eligible candidates and certification of shortlists and selection, details the Executive Decree.

Road Network Rehabilitation Plan
During the Cabinet meeting, the Ministry of Public Works presented the National Road Network Rehabilitation Plan, under the “Notorious Urgency” contracting modality.

The plan’s sole objective is to restore the country’s main streets and avenues, which require immediate intervention, guaranteeing citizens safety in their daily mobilization, allowing them to move efficiently, without causing damage to the means of transportation they use and which no one recognizes, and even without putting their lives at risk.

Finally, it was determined that the minutes of the
Cabinet Council will be public from now on, as promised by President José Raúl Mulino.

2024-07-03 23:19:06
#Railway #Secretariat #Job #Program #created #session #Cabinet #Council


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