The Rise of Matteo Galeotti: Romagna Takes Second Place in Group D

Matteo Galeotti

© Lauro Bassani – PhotoBass

The draw (4-2, 0-4) in Florence between the hosts Lupi Auto and Baseball Godo allows the Romagna players to take second place in group D in the only important match of the last round of the regular season (at Tuscans third place with Athletics Bologna). In game 1 Martinez Holguin was the winning pitcher, while Galeotti was betrayed by too many defensive errors (4) because he finished with just one PGL point. Another story in the afternoon, because Abel Campos crowned his excellent performance of the regular season with another authoritative performance (6 shots, 4 hits, 0 points) and the Enjoy box did the rest, with the cherry on top of the young man’s one-run home run Matteo Casadio.

Little to say about the other two matches, which have no bearing on the standings. Nettuno 1945 dominated the derby with two shutouts (10-0 in the seventh and 6-0) against the Lions Dolphins, second to last in the group (record of 4-16), with only Sparagna’s homer to enhance the sensational record of 19 games won out of 20 played. Nettuno promises to be the real loose cannon in the Poule Scudetto.

To complete a great return round, Athletics Bologna finally feasted on Padule (16-3 in the eighth, 6-2) on the Sesto Fiorentino diamond, taking third place ex-aequo with Fiorentina. The absolute protagonist of game 1 was Errico, author of a grand slam.

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Sandro Camerani, a professional since 1994, has collaborated with Repubblica and Messaggero and currently with Gazzetta dello sport and Corriere Romagna. His love for baseball blossomed during one of his 17 trips to the USA, and he has already visited 18 different MLB ballparks. He has written two books (America on the Road and Fortitudo Basket, a third is coming out)

2024-07-01 00:11:38
#Recordbreaking #Nettuno #Godo #place


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