The Uncertain Future of Luciano Vietto: A Potential Return to Racing Club

Luciano Vietto stood out at Racing and left a very good image. Emerging from the Tita estate, he had to make his debut in the first division at a difficult and delicate time for the club. When the panorama was totally different and there was a lot of pressure. But he was from that generation of kids who stood up in a difficult situation and went to the front. In the midst of all that, he performed and had a very good level. So much so that he ended up being sold for a million euros to Spanish football. From Avellaneda straight to Villarreal, where he continued to grow clearly and captivate the eyes of European giants. There he was taken by Atlético Madrid of Cholo Simeone, who had made him debut in the Acadé.

But his career hit a slump, he started to struggle a bit more and after a few attempts at various European clubs, he aimed for Middle Eastern football where he clearly stood out. In addition to making a significant financial difference. Now, at 30, he has just been released and his future is uncertain. Right in the middle of the Academy considering going in search of a striker. The situation of Roger Martínez, which is not entirely clear, is one of the reasons that makes Gustavo Costas and the management think about another number nine. Added to this is that it would only be a matter of negotiating the contract with him. Although, logically, there are several issues to take into account.

Luciano Vietto’s name is always floating around Racing. His name is thrown around in every transfer market. The Board of Directors has always wanted to try to get him, he is a player of great hierarchy and he is someone who left the club and who imagines that at some point he will make a comeback. It is clear that due to his age he is far from that, although seducing him through the sporting challenge and reappearing in a competitive league with the chance to fight for an international cup is an objective. That added to the fact that it could be a way to catapult his career again. If he performs in Avellaneda, he will once again attract the attention of all markets.

Luciano Vietto’s situation in the middle of Racing’s transfer market

What is certain is that there are no economic issues to negotiate too much here. If Vietto wants to return to Racing now, it won’t be for money.. It will have to do with sports, with a personal challenge and with dreaming of returning to the top spots. But the outlook is not easy from Avellaneda’s side either. HToday reality shows that the club has Adrian Martinez, Maxi Salas, Roger Martinez, Johan Carbonero and Juanfer Quintero. And if we only count the forwards who play more in the area, there are already three. It seems that for Vietto to return, one or two have to leave because they are players who come for sporting reasons and want continuity…Luciano Vietto is always mentioned in Racing.

Beyond this tempting situation because he is free and gives the feeling that it is now or else we will have to wait a few years (because he will already have a new contract with another club), those close to the player did not want to give false expectations or generate illusions. And when consulted by this portal they made it clear that although he still does not have a club and does not know where he will go, they do not believe that a return to Avellaneda in this window is possible. Of course, we will have to see what happens if the Academy clears the top zone of big names and the forward does not get the offers. that he can imagine from other destinations. For now Vietto is free and Racing always thinks about him.

2024-07-04 11:21:35
#Luciano #Vietto #released #Racing #number


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