Toni Kroos: His last game or his penultimate or his second-to-last

The game against Spain could be the last in Toni Kroos’ career. He himself believes things will turn out differently. Either way: others can learn from his departure.

July 4, 2024, 5:17 p.m.

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Toni Kroos could play his last football match on Friday evening, as he will end his career after the European Championships. The German international wants to retire at the peak and has kept control of his end. Kroos stands for rationality and control, which has not always made him popular in Germany, but the Spanish recognize his beauty. With Spain as his bogey team, this team of all teams could seal the end of his career.


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The Christoph Waltz of football: Toni Kroos © Markus Ulmer/​imago images

It could be that Friday evening is the last time Toni Kroos laces up his football boots, hears a dressing room speech, goes out onto the pitch. It could be his last game after so many years in which the game has determined his life. How does that make you feel? Toni Kroos has been asked this question a lot in the last few days, and what you wouldn’t believe about many others in the same situation, you immediately believe him: that all these thoughts play no role in his emotional life. And that he doesn’t believe it will be his last game.


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