Top Performers: Casteels and Faes Shine for Belgium at Euro

The tops: Casteels made Courtois forget, Faes swept away doubts

As much as the offensive compartment disappointed during this Euro, the defense assured. Which was not necessarily expected, however, given the absence of Thibaut Courtois and the many doubts hovering over the central hinge. A priori which flew into pieces in Germany. Because, on the one hand, Koen Casteels (8) brilliantly took on the role of the Red Devils’ No. 1 goalkeeper, being irreproachable throughout the tournament, making multiple saves and being unable to do anything about the two goals conceded (Schranz on a second ball and a shot deflected by Vertonghen). In this case, his performances ensured that Courtois’ shadow quickly disappeared. Proof of this is that the name of the Merengue goalkeeper, who had won the Champions League a few weeks earlier, has almost never appeared in the media sphere, except to talk about his holidays in the sun. Casteels has therefore consolidated his position as the starting goalkeeper for the national team. Should we therefore necessarily consider a return of Courtois in the coming months?

On the other hand, the defensive sector held up thanks to Road Faes (7,5)who had nevertheless faced a fair amount of criticism and doubts. If the Leicester boss is not the most skilled at restarting, he offered a famous presence in the duels with his direct opponents. Both in physical impact and in anticipation. He was also sovereign against Ukraine and did not have to blush about his performance against the Blues. At his side, Timothy Chestnuts (7) also shone in Germany. The right-back has a great engine that allows him to make multiple runs on the pitch. What’s more, tactically, he adapts very well depending on the wingers lined up in front of him.

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