Tragic Death of 17-Year-Old Badminton Player Sparks Investigation and Calls for Safety Awareness

On July 1, according to an announcement released by the Badminton Asia Confederation and the Indonesian Badminton Association, Chinese badminton singles player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the Asian Youth Badminton Championships and died after failed rescue efforts after being sent to the hospital. He was only 17 years old.

A video circulating on the Internet has broken the hearts of countless people. This video records the situation before Zhang Zhijie’s death. The death of this athlete, who just turned 17 and only half a year ago, has caused everyone to feel sad and regretful. According to the analysis of many medical experts and netizens, Zhang Zhijie is likely to have died suddenly during exercise. At present, the World Badminton Federation has issued a statement in response to Zhang Zhijie’s death, stating that it will conduct a thorough investigation.

What is sudden death during exercise? What are the causes of sudden death during exercise? Between life and death, how should we save people? On July 2, the reporter interviewed Gao Dongxue, director of the First Department of Cardiology of Shandong Provincial Third Hospital, and talked about the causes of death behind sudden death during exercise and how people should save lives when facing the moment of life and death.

Chinese badminton singles player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during a match and died after being sent to the hospital. He was only 17 years old.

Fatal “sudden death during exercise”

“We are also very concerned about this matter. According to some video footage on the Internet, this situation should be the most likely cause of sudden death during exercise,” Gao Dongxue said with emotion.

What is sudden death during exercise? Gao Dongxue told reporters that sudden death during exercise refers to death that occurs during exercise or within 24 hours after exercise. It can happen regardless of whether the deceased is an athlete or a general population.

“There should be many reasons for sudden death during exercise, the most common one is sudden cardiac death, which accounts for 70% of sudden deaths.” Gao Dongxue said that for ordinary people who love sports, if potential diseases are not discovered and treated early, it may lead to sudden death during exercise, among which heart disease has the highest risk.

The most common causes of sudden cardiac death include some congenital diseases. If a sports participant suffers from congenital heart disease, myocarditis or heart failure and has a history of cardiovascular disease, when engaging in strenuous physical activities, the sympathetic nerves will be highly excited, the catecholamines in the body will increase significantly, the myocardial oxygen demand will increase, and the heart’s load will suddenly increase, which can easily cause an imbalance in oxygen supply and myocardial necrosis, ultimately leading to sudden cardiac death or exercise-induced sudden death.

“Our athletes generally have a very systematic and formal physical examination. He should not have had this kind of underlying heart disease in the past, so the specific cause of his sudden death is difficult to analyze.” Gao Dongxue said.

Another reason for sudden death during exercise is that due to busy work and life, most people participate in sports after get off work. Some people are physically and mentally exhausted at this time, and sudden strenuous exercise is prone to accidents. In addition, some people have long-term bad living habits, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, and high work pressure, which may also lead to accidents during exercise.

Badminton ranks among the top three sports in terms of sudden death

“Some scholars in our country analyzed 374 cases of sports-related sudden death in Guangdong in southern China from 2007 to 2021. The survey showed that basketball (34.5%), running (19.5%) and badminton (12%) ranked in the top three.” Gao Dongxue said that it is worth noting that among these three sports, the number of sudden deaths during badminton is the least.

“Generally speaking, we see that accidents in basketball, running or badminton occur more frequently in our country. This is related to the high popularity of these three sports in our country, because these sports are relatively high in intensity compared to other sports.” Gao Dongxue said that badminton itself will not cause sudden death, but excessive physical activity and unhealthy lifestyle and mental factors may increase the risk of sudden death. Ordinary athletes do not have regular exercise, and they must carry out scientific exercise according to the requirements of gradual progress to avoid inducing sudden death caused by exercise.

“Sudden death during exercise may seem to happen suddenly, but in fact there are signs to follow. If you have recently experienced excessive fatigue, emotional agitation, paroxysmal chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, or a tightness in the throat, you should seek medical attention immediately.” Gao Dongxue reminded that when you feel unwell, you must wait until your body returns to normal before exercising. Do not exercise blindly to avoid causing accidents.

“I understand everyone’s heartache, but don’t panic too much. Exercise is a good medicine to protect your health. I suggest everyone follow the rules of exercise and do appropriate physical exercise.” Gao Dongxue reminded that, in general, people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, kidney disease, older age, family history, smoking, lack of exercise, obesity and other problems are all at high risk of sudden death during exercise. It is recommended that everyone conduct cardiovascular risk stratification and exercise risk assessment before exercise.

The disappearance of the “golden 4 minutes”

The death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie has caused great sorrow and regret for everyone. Many netizens believe that Zhang Zhijie’s death was related to the untimely treatment.

From the replay video of the game, Zhang Zhijie collapsed and fainted, and was suspected of cardiac arrest, but no CPR was performed on him at the scene, and no AED was used. Professionals wrote that they believed that “the situation should be judged immediately and CPR should be performed on the spot, and AED should be obtained and defibrillated.” It was a pity that Zhang Zhijie was not treated in time when the accident happened, wasting the golden rescue time.

“What we call the golden four minutes in medicine are very important. The golden time for rescuing cardiac arrest is 4-6 minutes, and rescue on the scene is very important.” Gao Dongxue said that when sudden death during exercise occurs, it will be very dangerous if there is no one around to treat it.

If there are people around, you should first determine the patient’s consciousness and breathing. If there is no response and no breathing or there is a dying sigh-like breathing, you should immediately perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, call for help from passers-by, ask for help to call 120, and perform defibrillation according to the instructions of the AED (automatic external defibrillator). If there is no relevant equipment, you need to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration on your own, and the first aid on the spot should be continued until 120 or emergency personnel arrive.

Regrettably, among the 374 cases of sports-related sudden death in Guangdong from 2007 to 2021 investigated by Chinese scholars, only 23 people (6%) received timely on-site rescue after the sports-related sudden death occurred, and 2 cases used external defibrillators (AEDs).

“We call on everyone to learn first aid knowledge. When someone dies suddenly, we hope that more people with first aid experience can step forward and provide timely treatment,” said Gao Dongxue.

BWF responds to Zhang Zhijie’s death: A thorough investigation will be conducted

On July 2, @BWF World Badminton Federation issued another statement regarding the death of 17-year-old Chinese national badminton player Zhang Zhijie while participating in a competition in Indonesia on June 30, stating that it will take all necessary measures and consult with the Badminton Asia Confederation and the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) to thoroughly review the matter.

The Chinese team players wore Zhang Zhijie’s jerseys to the stage to receive the award and take photos.

The BWF said it is waiting for a formal report from the Badminton Asia Confederation and the local organizing committee to assess whether Zhang Zhijie followed the correct medical procedures when he fell on the court. After the review is completed, it will be determined whether the specific content of these guidelines needs to be revised.

2024-07-03 07:34:47
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