Transfer Market, Calafiori Auction Between Arsenal and Chelsea: The Azzurri Is Worth 50 Million

Everyone is crazy about Calafiori. And Bologna is happy. Juventus seems to be stepping back, also because there is a risk of an upward auction between Arsenal (ahead) and Chelsea. And they reach 50 million euros. The defender, the only one together with Gigio Donnarumma to escape this unfortunate European Championship, is offered a five-year contract at four million euros. Bologna hoped until the very end that Calafiori could staybut the call of the Premier League is becoming very strong. Only a year ago he was paid four million euros and already before the European Championship (on May 14th to be precise) he had written a post on social media that sounded like a farewell: «How can you explain the feelings you feel when you have made history for a club, their fans and an entire city? The answer is that you can’t explain something like this in words. What I feel like saying is just thanks to all those who participated and created this beautiful atmosphere. I love you all, thanks again”. Having said that, now Bologna is trying to monetize as much as possible not only because Calafiori is worth it but because There is a 50% resale that Basel included in last summer’s deal. Meanwhile, Genoa is monitoring Raimondo from Ternana, while Udinese is thinking about aiming for the Frenchman from Reims, Richardson. Daniel Maldini is close to Monza. Colombo, on the other hand, could go to Empoli.



1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Transfer #Market #Calafiori #Auction #Arsenal #Chelsea #Azzurri #Worth #Million


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