Twins Illia and Tim Achieve Black Belts After Fleeing Ukraine

Twins Illia and Tim have earned their black belts.

In March 2022, the Judo club of Saint-Cyprien went with Thierry Del Poso, mayor, to Dresden (Germany) to pick up two Ukrainian families who had just fled their country following the attack by Russia. In agreement with the town hall, the Judo club, which maintains privileged relations with many Ukrainian clubs due to its international judo tournament for minors (a flagship event in Europe for young judokas), had offered the accommodation and reception services offered by the town hall to help a few families. 3,500 kilometers had been swallowed up in 48 hours by the mayor and Yves Rousselin of the Judo club.

In the meantime, one family has returned to Ukraine. The other, consisting of the mother and two twins, Illia and Tim (17 years old in August), has integrated perfectly into the life of the community and the judo club, participating assiduously in all training sessions and a number of regional and national competitions. All this has allowed these two judokas to climb the various levels to obtain the black belt in judo, which has just been presented to them at the club by Jean-Luc Las and Malik Ben Ali. On this occasion, other colored belts were awarded to adolescent and adult judokas in their quest for a black belt. Judo is a sport that strives to apply values ​​in everyday life, such as sincerity, friendship, modesty, honor, respect, sincerity, self-control and courage. Values ​​that can be found in the welcome that the club has reserved for these Ukrainian refugees who are an integral part of the Cyprianenc judo family.

2024-07-01 21:27:59
#SaintCyprien #Ukrainian #judo #spotlight


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