Unrest in Bergamo: Bat Attack at Tattoo Parlor

Bergamo. “It felt like we were in a Quentin Tarantino movie.” Maybe whoever said that is exaggerating a bit. There certainly weren’t the gangster guns from Pulp Fiction. And not even the katana used by Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. But there was a bat, yes, that one. Some say a baseball bat, others even a nailed bat. It was apparently used by the owner of the tattoo parlor in the city who on Tuesday afternoon (July 2, around 4 p.m.) found two people in the shop with apparently unfriendly intentions.

“The way it was going, it looked like a punitive expedition,” says someone who saw something. “There were two guys, one with the look of a thug and the other who was screaming.” What he was screaming for, we don’t know. They certainly didn’t want a tattoo. It seems, however, that the fight arose over work-related issues. Reputation issues.

What is certain is that they were hectic moments. Unpleasant, especially for the customers in the store. At a certain point, even the bat appeared, whether baseball or studded. One of those involved in the brawl, a 23-year-old, was hit. He was losing blood and was taken to the emergency room at the Gavazzeni hospital (fortunately his conditions are not worrying).

The agents of the Bergamo Police Headquarters intervened on the spot, to collect testimonies and define the contours of the attack. The owner of the tattoo shop was reported: the charge is of injuries aggravated by the use of an improper weapon.

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2024-07-02 18:38:35
#Brawl #tattoo #parlor #baseball #bat #appears #reported


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