Vercelli, a tournament in memory of the “Duke”

Vercelli, June 30, 2024, in memory of Francesco Bassi, known to all as the “Duke”, not only a football tournament was held on the pitches of the Oratory of San Giuseppe, but also a splendid day of socializing organized by the boys of the Curva Nord Vercelli Hockey in memory of a great friend and great fan of Vercelli Hockey.

12 seven-a-side football teams competed on the pitch, including representatives from the Pro Vercelli and Viking Corbettathe latter twinned with the local hockey fans. Beyond the technical aspect, the moments of socializing and friendship under the pretext of the sporting challenge, the most touching moments were undoubtedly when the various chants in memory of Francesco were raised, with which the day also ended. The accident that took him away so young around November 1st is just a detail: the memory of the Duke is still alive and strong in all those who knew him and this is proof of it

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2024-07-02 14:38:22
#Vercelli #tournament #memory #Duke


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