Vincent Collet’s Clear Message to French Basketball Team: Sacrifice for Success at Olympic Games

By Guillaume K. | Sports journalist

After 15 years on the bench of the French team, Vincent Collet will play the biggest competition of his career this summer. He has great ambitions for the Olympic Games, just like his players, so he gave them a particularly clear message.

At a time when some observers are questioning Didier Deschamps’ place on the bench of the French football team, particularly because of his 12 years in the position, Vincent Collet is preparing to play the most important competition of his career with the Blues in a very different context, even though he has been on the bench for the national team for 15 years.

Criticized after a disastrous last World Cup, he seems to have regained his strength as the Olympic Games approach. And because he has an incredibly talented group under his command, all the supporters have their trust in him in the quest for a gold medal that would be historic. To get there, heads will have to follow legs and arms.

Vincent Collet’s words to launch the Olympic Games

Good news, Collet is a formidable leader of men who always knows how to find the words to motivate his men. The proof with his beautiful speech before the first preparation match of the French team in the middle of the week. He reminded everyone that the slightest slackening will be punished, and especially that this jersey has an exceptional value.

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Last year we went to the World Cup to win an award, but we weren’t ready to fight to get that award. But this year what I’ve seen from the beginning, and we obviously have to make it grow, enrich it, is guys who are ready to fight. I also remind you that in the last three competitions where we won the medal, and Tokyo in particular where you were great, it came to nothing.

If Nico doesn’t block in the semi-finals, we don’t know if we’ll get the medal. Even when we do everything very well, it’s a matter of the limit. When you wear this jersey, there are only two stats that count: you won, or you lost. Winning together costs a lot! That’s what sacrifice means. I don’t know who’s going to shine in the team, but we don’t care! If you want it as much as I want it, then you’re all going to sacrifice yourselves. Our goal is so high that it’s beyond us, it’s our Everest!

How can you not be motivated after such a speech from Vincent Collet? Despite the confidence surrounding the group, the coach reminded his players that the last medals were played for nothing and that the slightest dilettantism will be fatal to the French team. He therefore asks everyone to sacrifice themselves if it allows the group to move forward.

Vincent Collet wants a determined and serious team during the Olympic Games. He therefore asks his players to sacrifice themselves for the good of the group if necessary, and above all not to forget the importance of the blue jersey.

2024-07-05 16:30:00
#Vincent #Collets #big #pressure #Blues #wear #jersey..


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