Young Heroes: Tommaso and Davide Recover Stolen Necklace for Elderly Woman

MONSELICE (PADOVA) – They chase the thief who had torn the necklace from an elderly woman’s neck: the young Tommaso and Davide recover the necklace and return it to the woman. Social media praises them: “Boys like this deserve a medal.”

Thomas and Davide chasing the thief

The incident occurred at 11:30 on Monday morning, when the center was bustling with people and there was a market. Tommaso Castellin, a 25-year-old from Monselice, and his boyfriend Davide Cannas, a 23-year-old from Oristano, were walking along Via Roma after visiting a house that could become their home. At the height of Via Palladio, their attention was caught by some screams. “We heard a lady screaming in desperation: ‘Thief! Thief! He stole my necklace, stop him’ – Tommaso says -. A man of average height and build was disappearing suspiciously towards Piazza Mazzini. He was wearing a light-colored short-sleeved shirt and a blue and black baseball cap. We thought someone was stopping him, but when we saw that no one was moving, Davide and I looked at each other and, without thinking, we started running.” The two lovers chased the alleged thief with good energy – “We are two trained guys, he is a tired fifty-year-old” – attracting the attention of passers-by. The man headed towards Piazza Mazzini, went back up towards Via Dante, the Ponte della Pescheria and back down towards Via Zanellato. “We looked like two crazy people – smiles Tommaso -. At a certain point, we saw that man throw an object on the ground. It was the lady’s necklace. We chased him for a while, then he disappeared into general indifference. Our goal, however, was to recover the necklace and return it to its rightful owner”. The boys returned a little breathless towards Via Roma and met the old woman, who was waiting for them at the corner of the square: “She told us that the chain was a memento of her husband and it had a great sentimental value. He wanted to spend some time with us, but we didn’t have time anymore.”


Who I am

Tommaso Castellin is a well-known face in Monselice, especially for his commitment to the Giostra della Rocca. He is in fact the head of the drums of the Torre district: «Davide is also taking part in the Palio, I convinced him». He works as an administrative employee in a private company in Pernumia and, after a period of residence in Conselve, he really wants to move to his hometown: «We need to go back to our origins. Yes, I am a bit vintage, I admit it. I am 25 years old but I feel at least ten years older». The generous gesture of Tommaso and Davide was publicly praised on the local social group, where likes and comments full of gratitude for this outburst of civic sense. Sabrina comments: «Congratulations guys, you give hope to the world». The two almost recoil: «We don’t feel like heroes, because we couldn’t let something like this go. What made us feel the most bad was the lack of solidarity from other people. That thief could have been identified and stopped if only someone had put a little effort».

2024-07-03 02:43:42
#robbed #set #pursuit #thief


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