Young Saskatoon Entrepreneur Overcomes Adversity with Resilience: Lemonade Stand Reopens After Robbery

A young Saskatoon entrepreneur was recently robbed while selling lemonade outside her home. Undaunted, Madison Vanden Dungena reopened her stand Thursday at a Saskatoon Berries baseball game.

On Monday, teenagers harassed Madison at her lemonade stand, where glasses were thrown at her and her money was stolen.

That didn’t stop the 7-year-old entrepreneur from showing up at the baseball game on Thursday and resuming the lemonade sale.

“I was so happy and grateful that she had a safe space to sell her lemonade,” says Madison’s mother, Jade Floata.

The mother claims that Madison wants to invest the money she raised during Thursday evening to launch new businesses.

She is very smart with her money.

A quote from Jade Floata, Madison’s mother

To satisfy the lemonade needs of Saskatoon Berries fans and baseball players, Madison relied on the help of her older sister, Brielle Vanden Dungena.

Those boys took all their money, but now we have more than they stole, the big sister rejoices.

It’s really nice to know that people care about our story, Brielle also emphasizes.

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The Saskatoon Berries team, with Madison and her sister.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Dayne Patterson

The Saskatoon Berries wanted Madison’s presence to be fully supported by the team, to allow her to have a great experience.

We thought, ‘Why not invite him here?'” says Tyler Wawryk, vice president of business management. “That’s where we joined the family to start the process.

We provided the lemonade and the kiosk, he said.

Two youths, aged 14 and 16, were arrested shortly after Monday’s incident. One was charged with carrying a knife and breaching a court order. The other was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

With information from Dayne Patterson

2024-07-27 07:01:19
#Baseball #Team #Rescues #Child #Robbed #Lemonade #Stand



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