“Like therapy”: bronze medalist at the Games, Djamili Aboudou has found his way in boxing

All the major clubs in the Dunkirk region know him. First, the Union sportive du littoral de Dunkerque (USLD), where Djamili Aboudou shone with the ball for six years; then the Dunkerque Handball Grand Littoral (USDK), where he defended the goals until he was 14; finally, Coudekerque-Ring, where his fists wreaked havoc and where he launched his epic journey to the Olympic bronze medal in Paris in super-heavyweight (+ 94 kg) this Wednesday.

The Northerner is one of those athletes who is comfortable in all disciplines, capable of launching into several professional careers while ordinary mortals will never become more than a Sunday sportsman. “Maybe I’m someone who learns easily,” the boxer says modestly. Passion is another explanation, he who liked to taste everything but never imagined doing without sport.



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