Transfer Market, Today’s Latest News Live LIVE

The entire transfer market day of Wednesday 7 August through the news collected by the Sky Sport transfer team. Negotiations and rumours not only on Serie A and Serie B, but also on the main championships in the world. The appointment with “Speciale Calciomercato” from Monday to Friday at 11pm on Sky Sport Calcio and Sky Sport 24

n Juventus, steps forward for Todibon And Galeno has given the ok to the Bianconerin Atalanta, Retegui idea for the post Scamaccan Napoli, David Neres has given the yesn Milan, Man Utd is moving in on Fofanan Fiorentina, Gudmundsson is getting closern SERIE A – THE TABLEn SERIE A – ALL OFFICIAL PURCHASESn SERIE B – ALL OFFICIAL PURCHASESn FOREIGN TRANSFER MARKET – ALL OFFICIALSn”,”postId”:”769ad9e0-1a53-42f3-9413-925264559d98″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T08:00:00.550Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T10:00:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’Atalanta pensa a Retegui per sostituire Scamacca”,”content”:”

Per sostituire l’attaccante infortunato, l’Atalanta pensa a Retegui. Occorrerà capire però se il Genoa è disposto a cederlo, vista la possibile partenza in contemporanea di Gudmundsson (verso la Fiorentina). LEGGI QUI

“,”postId”:”0a88a872-9d33-4f51-8c90-98cea56139ed”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T07:50:00.437Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T09:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Le parole di Danilo su Chiesa e Szcezsny a Sky Sport”,”content”:”

Nel post partita della sfida tra Juventus e Next Gen, il capitano bianconero ha parlato a Sky Sport: Mi dispiace per loro, è una situazione non facile da gestire per nessuno. È gente con cui si è creato un rapporto negli anni, ma società e mister devono prendere delle decisioni. Auguro a loro il meglio per il futuro, è gente dallo spessore importante, abbiamo vissuto cose importanti insieme”

“,”postId”:”a98b40e4-22ec-4006-b482-07bc7e7d30f2″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T07:40:00.879Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T09:40:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Fiorentina: piace McKennie”,”content”:”

Al di là dell’operazione per Nico Gonzalez, per cui la Viola non accetta scambi, al club viola piace McKennie. Le condizioni non sono al momento compatibili, le parti si aggiorneranno nei prossimi giorni

“,”postId”:”a7b90605-3af6-428b-8cef-661ade226709″},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T07:30:00.534Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T09:30:00+0200″,”video”:{“videoId”:”944035″,”videoPageUrl”:” la situazione Nico Gonzalez”,”content”:”

Oltre a Galeno e a Todibo, i bianconeri continuano a lavorare per Nico Gonzalez. La proposta è quella di un’operazione con scambio che i viola però non accettano. La trattativa dipenderà quindi da altri incastri di mercato: visto che il sogno Koopmeiners è complicato, la Juventus potrebbe investire quei soldi – o in parte – proprio su Nico. APPROFONDISCI QUI

“,”postId”:”c13f8151-27c7-448b-9b15-3b444054925c”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T07:20:00.277Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T09:20:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Juventus: l’obiettivo per la difesa è sempre Todibo del Nizza”,”content”:”

Con il giocatore, i bianconeri avevano già trovato l’accordo sulla base di un quinquennale.  Con il club francese nelle ultime ore è stato fatto qualche passo in avanti. Sono cambiate le condizioni che facevano diventare il prestito un obbligo (70% di presenze e qualificazione in Champions League) considerate troppo difficili. I bianconeri sarebbero disposti a rivederle. LEGGI LA NOTIZIA

“,”postId”:”41dff100-155b-4735-899a-f19f5466570e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-08-07T07:10:00.999Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-08-07T09:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Incontri e incastri per la Juventus: Galeno apre”,”content”:”

I bianconeri continuano a lavorare per rinforzare l’attacco. Il brasiliano del Porto ha confermato il sì alla Juve nell’incontro. Per la chiusura dell’operazione serviranno 30/35 milioni di euro. I DETTAGLI



less than a minute ago

Atalanta considers Retegui to replace Scamacca

To replace the injured striker, Atalanta is thinking about Retegui. However, it will be necessary to understand whether Genoa is willing to sell him, given the possible simultaneous departure of Gudmundsson (towards Fiorentina). READ HERE

10 minutes ago

Danilo’s words on Chiesa and Szcezsny to Sky Sport

In the post-match of the challenge between Juventus and Next Gen, the Juventus captain spoke to Sky Sport: I feel sorry for them, it’s not an easy situation for anyone to handle.. They are people with whom a relationship has been created over the years, but the club and the manager have to make decisions. I wish them the best for the future, they are people of great depth, we have experienced important things together”

20 minutes ago

Fiorentina: McKennie is liked

Beyond the operation for Nico Gonzalez, for whom Viola does not accept exchanges, the purple club likes McKennie. The conditions are not compatible at the moment, the parties will update in the next few days

30 minutes ago

Juventus, the Nico Gonzalez situation

In addition to Galeno and Todibo, the Bianconeri continue to work for Nico Gonzalez. The proposal is for an operation with an exchange that the Viola do not accept. The negotiation will therefore depend on other market arrangements: given that the dream Koopmeiner it’s complicated, Juventus could invest that money – or part of it – right on Nico. LEARN MORE HERE

40 minutes ago

Juventus: The target for the defense is still Nice’s Todibo

With the player, the Bianconeri had already reached an agreement on the basis of a five-year contract. With the French club, some steps forward have been made in the last few hours. The conditions that made the loan an obligation have changed (70% attendance and Champions League qualification) considered too difficult. The black and whites would be willing to review them. READ THE NEWS

50 minutes ago

Meetings and connections for Juventus: Galeno opens

The Bianconeri continue to work to strengthen the attack. The Brazilian from Porto confirmed his yes to Juve in the meeting. To close the operation, 30/35 million euros will be needed. THE DETAILS

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#Transfer #Market #Todays #Latest #News #Live #LIVE



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