35 years of recreational badminton Vaassen

35 years of recreational badminton Vaassen

do 24 okt, 16:12

· reading time 1 minute


VAASSEN – Recreational badminton Vaassen was started 35 years ago by a number of enthusiastic athletes who came up with the idea of ​​playing badminton recreationally on Wednesday mornings. They rented the Wieken’s gymnasium together. It soon became apparent that there was a lot of interest. It was fun, the games were sporty and everyone could participate. An official membership was not necessary. Fun and sporty, being busy was, and still is, paramount. Anyone who was able to attend on Wednesday morning was allowed to join. Of course, the room rental had to be paid, a small amount was paid every Wednesday. RBV still operates according to this concept, but payments are now made quarterly so that the room rental is insured. Many people have come and gone in recent years. Most players continue to play well into old age. The target group is 55+. Keeping moving is important, and at RBV they still do this with pleasure and enthusiasm after 35 years. Because Vaassen Recreational Badminton has existed for 35 years, a party evening has been organised. On Friday, October 18, the badminton players, most of them by bicycle, left with partners for the Hezebrink in Emst. It was a pleasant event. A barbecue buffet was ready and people could participate in bowling and shooting. Members of the Juliana shooting club ensured that the shooting went smoothly. The best shooter went home with a medal. There was also a prize for the bowling winner. The prizes were presented by Bertha Niekamp. Bertha has been playing at RBV since the beginning, she ensures the continued existence of the club and ensures that the hall is paid on time. Are you interested in coming to play badminton? Come watch and/or participate a few times for free. You only need sports shoes and clothing, a racket can be borrowed. Games are played every Wednesday morning in the Wieken in Vaassen from 9.30 am to 11.30 am. Do you want more information? Please contact: B. Niekamp, ​​tel. 0578-575476 or email to: [email protected].



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