Construction work on the Boucherville indoor multi-sports complex is due to begin at the start of next week. The project had been in the City’s pipeline for around ten years.
The center will be built at a cost of $44,474,629 (including taxes) on land adjacent to the Gilles-Chabot Ice Center, very close to De Mortagne high school. It is expected to be delivered in early fall 2026.
Although it will not have LEED certification, the multisports complex will be recognized as a “green building”. Among other things, it will be built with more ecological materials and equipped, in part, with a geothermal system.
It will include different indoor areas allowing the practice of sports such as soccer, football, and baseball, as well as an athletics track for walkers and runners.
“It will be a very beautiful center and no tax increase will be linked to this project,” maintains the Director General of the City, Roger Maisonneuve.
Financial arrangement
By deducting the amount of tax reimbursement from which the City benefits, the total amount of the contract amounts to $40,611,264 (net taxes).
A loan of $33,611,265 repayable over 25 years is necessary.
Furthermore, a sum of $7 million is financed by the City’s financial surplus.
Also, an amount of $3 million is expected from the Gas Tax Program and Quebec’s contribution. However, the City of Boucherville’s request for financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Program for Recreational, Sports and Outdoor Infrastructure from the Government of Quebec was refused twice.
Remember that the City went to calls for tenders twice. The first time, in 2022, municipal elected officials postponed the project because the bids were too high, at nearly $51 million.
The initial project was estimated by city officials at $70 million. It had been revised to $33 million, in 2015 dollars, by modifying the plans.
The construction contract was awarded on August 26 to the Geyser Group.