A legionnaire of the RPL club answered the question about obtaining a Russian passport: Football: Sports: Lenta.ru

A legionnaire of the RPL club answered the question about obtaining a Russian passport: Football: Sports: Lenta.ru

Khimki player Vera: I don’t see the need to obtain Russian citizenship

Argentine Khimki midfielder Lucas Vera answered a question about obtaining a Russian passport. His words are quoted by Soviet Sport.

“Obtaining a Russian passport helps, makes life easier on the field, but so far I don’t see the first need for myself to obtain Russian citizenship. Although, probably, this could help in some way,” said the legionnaire of the Russian Premier League (RPL) club.

In October, the Brazilian captain and defender of St. Petersburg Zenit Douglas Santos received a Russian passport. The player will be able to represent the Russian national team.

Due to sanctions from the International Football Federation (FIFA) and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), Russian national teams and clubs can only play friendly matches. The teams missed several major international tournaments, including the 2022 World Cup and the 2024 European Championship.



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