Active School kicks off, which in 2023-2024 brought over 25,000 students to baseball/softball – Italian Baseball Softball Federation

Active School kicks off, which in 2023-2024 brought over 25,000 students to baseball/softball – Italian Baseball Softball Federation

With the closing of the collection of school applications, set by the Ministry of Education and Merit at 12pm on 17 October, the organizational and operational part of the 2024-2025 Active School program officially begins, for which the Italian Baseball Softball Federation renewed its participation, given the success achieved in the last edition for both the ‘Scuola Attiva Kids‘ and ‘Scuola Attiva Junior‘ projects which, thanks to the synergy between FIBS and affiliated companies, recorded truly important numbers and participation in the school year 2023-2024.

ACTIVE KIDS SCHOOL (Primary Schools)

Last year, the Scuola Attiva Kids project involved more than 7,400 primary schools throughout Italy thanks to innovative motor, sports and educational proposals and the participation of the National Sports Federations.

FIBS has activated 109 tutorwho are not federal technicians, but graduates in motor sciences who join the Sport and Health call and are associated with the schools by it. The important data is therefore that of the schools that have chosen mini-baseball and softball, i.e 220con 8,800 children involved;

Also for 2024-2025, the central figure of this project is the School sports tutorwho, in addition to offering concrete support for carrying out the various activities, is called upon to assist, in the 4th and 5th classes, the teachers for the planning of physical and sporting activities, while in the 2nd and 3rd classes he carries out the activity directly motor skills and sports orientation.

For the 2nd and 3rd classes of primary school, in fact, there is one hour per week of physical activity and sports orientation held by the Tutor, in the presence of the teacher, with proposals inspired by two sports chosen by each school during the registration phase. , among those of the Federations participating in the project.

Furthermore, for all classes, the project includes:

  • a training course, with webinars that accompany tutors and teachers throughout the project;
  • the ‘Scuola Attiva Kids’ teaching kit: sheets with practical suggestions to do in the gym and in your free time;
  • Active Breaks: suggestions for creating moments of activation aimed at interrupting a sedentary lifestyle, maintaining the right posture and promoting learning at school;
  • Wellness Days: educational outings with physical activity and walks in a natural environment that schools can organize with the support of the Tutor;
  • the end-of-year celebrations held in all schools with motor and sports courses, organized in a final event, inspired by the activities experienced by the children.

Thanks then to the collaboration of Italian Paralympic Committee all the proposed activities are designed to guarantee the active participation of students with disabilities and SEN.

JUNIOR ACTIVE SCHOOL (Secondary schools)

Scuola Attiva Junior is the project aimed at lower secondary schools which aims to encourage the discovery of many sports and the promotion of correct lifestyles.

This proposal, which last year involved 3,761 schools throughout Italy and then leads to the Student Games, provides a multi-sport offer, completely free for schools, and many activities designed for children and teachers thanks also to the participation of Sports Federations and Associated Sports Disciplines.

In this case, those operating in the schools that have chosen Baseball5 are directly the technicians registered with the Federation of Clubs, which in 2023-2024 numbered 152, with the involvement of 337 institutes and about 16.500 students of which, thanks also to the courses for teachersPlay the Whole Baseball‘ activated simultaneously by the CNT FIBS, approximately 1.500 between boys and girls participated in the Student Sports Games Baseball5.

In particular, the Junior Active School format includes:

  • Sports Weeks: entire weeks dedicated to the two sports combined in each school, in which federal technicians work alongside the Physical Education teacher during lesson times;
  • Sports Afternoons: free afternoon courses, carried out by federal technicians associated with the school in the school gym, outdoors or in other suitable sports facilities
  • informative webinars dedicated to the various sports: insights curated by the Federations and Sports Disciplines and open to interested teachers and technicians
  • Sports Open Days or Wellbeing Days: educational outings that schools can organize to promote physical and sporting activity at local sports facilities or in the open air, in collaboration with federal technicians;
  • the end-of-year celebrations held in all schools with physical and sporting activities organized as a final event and inspired by what the students experienced.

The Active School projects, promoted by Sport and Health and the Ministry of Education and Merit, in collaboration with the Minister for Sport and Youth through the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, aim to strengthen the path that envisages in primary schools, thanks to “Scuola Attiva Kids” motor and sport play activities to encourage the overall motor development of children and, in lower secondary schools, with “Scuola Attiva Junior” the real sports orientation.
An important objective also shared by FIBS and the other 45 National Sports Federations and Associated Sports Disciplines that have chosen to join the project.
Furthermore, in both projects, a particular focus on Food Education is planned for the current school year which includes an information campaign and a dedicated contest, with engaging content for students, teachers and families dedicated to the theme of correct nutrition and healthy and correct lifestyles.
To join the Active School 2024-2025 projects, schools had until 12.00 on 17 October by accessing the information platform dedicated to the link:

Emanuela Principato



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