Anne Hidalgo insists on maintaining the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower “until 2028” and “perhaps” after – Libération

Anne Hidalgo insists on maintaining the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower “until 2028” and “perhaps” after – Libération

The mayor of Paris confirmed this Friday, September 6, her intention to leave the Olympic rings on the Iron Lady, at least until the next Los Angeles Games. But it is not certain that she can make this decision alone.

The Iron Lady in color for four more years? Symbol of the Olympic Games, the Olympic rings could remain on the Eiffel Tower until the next Games, declared this Friday, September 6, Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris. “The proposal that I made is that until 2028, that is to say until the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, we will leave the rings on the Eiffel Tower […]. And maybe they’ll stay afterward, we’ll see.” declared the elected socialist during a press conference.

Anne Hidalgo had already affirmed this weekend that the rings, installed on the night of June 6 and 7, would “stay on the Eiffel Tower” after the Paralympic Games which end on Sunday, with the agreement of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), without however specifying the duration. But the extension of this installation is not certain, due to the regulations applying to the Eiffel Tower. Anne Hidalgo believes that the management of the monument is the responsibility of the city of Paris.

Which is not the opinion of his rival and resigning Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati. The latter had, in a message published on X (formerly Twitter) on September 1, retorted that “the Eiffel Tower is a protected monument, the work of an immense engineer and creator. Respect for its architectural gesture and its work requires, before making any substantial modification, a work authorization and an impact assessment, in accordance with the heritage code. And Rachida Dati drives the point home: “Before any decision is made and any announcement in this matter, it is important that all procedures and consultations aimed at protecting heritage are respected.”

Who is right? As explained Liberation in an article on Wednesday, the file is complex. The State has its say, via the Ile-de-France prefecture. But don’t decide alone. Since the Eiffel Tower is “registered” as a historic monument but is not “classified”, the City of Paris can legally circumvent an urban planning decision and therefore initiate the project.

In response, the mayor’s entourage explained to Checknews what “the City of Paris wishes to take all the time necessary to ensure this sustainability in the best conditions […] This is why the city’s services are currently working to resolve all legal and technical issues in connection with state services, the IOC and the Eiffel Tower.

Not the original rings

If the rings were to be kept in place, they would probably not be the originals, but copies. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is currently conducting a feasibility study to replace the current rings with new rings, as large but lighter, so as not to damage the structure of the Old Lady. They will also be more resistant, particularly to weather conditions. “The IOC supported this initiative by commissioning a feasibility study. Alongside the City of Paris, we expect the conclusions of this study to be made available in the coming months.wants to believe Anne Hidalgo.

The Agitos, symbol of the Paralympic Games, could also be affected. Currently hanging on the Arc de Triomphe, they could be moved to the Champs-Elysées.



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