Anniversaries of October 28

Anniversaries of October 28

Madrid, Oct 27 (EFE).- Anniversaries for Monday, October 28, 2024:

World Animation Day.

World Judo Day.

1848.- The first railway line between the towns of Barcelona and Mataró is officially inaugurated in Spain.

1885.- The Spanish actress María Guerrero debuts at the age of 18 at the Teatro de la Princesa in Madrid and does so with the play ‘Sin familia’ by Miguel Echegaray.

1886.- In the United States, President Grover Cleveland inaugurates the Statue of Liberty on Bedloe Island in New York, currently known as Liberty Island.

1892.- Charles-Emile Reynaud, inventor and pioneer of cinema, presents his ‘Luminous Pantomimes’, considered the first cartoon films, at the Grevin Museum in Paris.

1900.- The Royal Spanish Sports Club is founded in Barcelona.

1918.- The independence of Czechoslovakia is proclaimed in Prague, after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire after the end of World War I.

1924.- France recognizes the government of the Soviet Union.

1937.- The independent state of Inner Mongolia is proclaimed, one of the five autonomous regions that make up the People’s Republic of China.

1938.- More than 200,000 people come to Barcelona to say goodbye to the International Brigades that are leaving Spain after two years defending the republican cause during the Civil War.

1942.- The railway company Patentes Talgo is founded in Álava, led by businessman José Luis de Oriol y Urigüen and engineer Alejandro Goicoechea Omar.

1944.- The Riazor Municipal Stadium is inaugurated in La Coruña.

1956.- Spanish Television (TVE) begins its official broadcasts on a regular basis.

1958.- Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who takes the name John XXIII, is elected pope on the fourth day of the conclave.

1962.- The Soviet Union removes the missiles installed in Cuba and the United States agrees not to invade the island, putting an end to what is known as the ‘missile crisis’.

1977.- Queen’s album called ‘News of the World’ is released.

1982.- The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) wins the legislative elections with an absolute majority and governs alone for the first time in Spain.

1994.- In Spain, the Government approves the creation of the Integral Steel Industry, a substitute for the Altos Hornos de Vizcaya and Ensidesa.

.- The National Forum for Peace and Reconciliation in Ireland was inaugurated in Dublin.

1998.- The High Court of England and Wales determines that Pinochet, detained preventively in a London clinic, enjoys immunity as former head of state.

1999.- The Parliament of Montenegro issues a law that establishes the existence of a Montenegrin nationality and not a Yugoslav citizenship, as until now.

2004.- The Conference of Presidents meets in the Senate, for the first time in the history of Spanish democracy.

2013.- Six miners die in the Emilio del Valle de Llombera de Gordón well (León), due to a gas leak.

2016.- It is decided in Australia to create a protected area of ​​1.55 million km2 in the Ross Sea (Antarctic), the largest marine reserve in the world.

2017.- In Spain, Vice President Sáenz de Santamaría assumes the functions and powers of the Presidency of the Generalitat, after the resignation of the current incumbent, Carles Puigdemont, and under the protection of article 155 of the Constitution.

2021.- 45 bottles of wine are stolen from the Atrio Hotel in Cáceres, including a Chateau d’Yquem from 1806 and another six from the 19th century.

2022.- The Supreme Court definitively closes the ‘Bankia case’, the most high-profile and controversial of all the scandals caused by the 2008 financial crisis in Spain, which put Rodrigo Rato, former managing director of the IMF, on the bench.



1466.- Erasmus of Rotterdam, Dutch humanist writer.

1866.- Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Spanish writer.

1906.- Ramón Rubial, president of the PSOE.

1930.- Bernard Charles Ecclestone, English Formula 1 boss.

1931.- Analía Gadé, Argentine actress.

1943.- Charo López, Spanish actress.

1952.- Pío García Escudero, Spanish politician.

1955.- Bill Gates, computer scientist, American businessman.

1957.- Stephen Paul David Morris, ‘Stephen Morris’, British musician.

1963.- Eros Ramazzotti, Italian singer.

1967.- Julia Roberts, American actress

1968.- Simoneta Gómez-Acebo de Borbón, daughter of the Infanta Doña Pilar and niece of the King of Spain Don Juan Carlos de Borbón.

1974.- Joaquín Phoenix, Puerto Rican actor.

1978. – Marta Etura Palenzuela, Spanish actress.

1987.- Frank Ocean, ‘Frank’, American rap singer and songwriter.



1704.- John Locke, English philosopher.

1938.- Ramón Franco Bahamonde, military aviator.

1977.- Miguel Mihura, Spanish writer, cartoonist and humorist.

1999.- Rafael Alberti, Spanish poet.

2003.- Joan Perucho Gutiérrez, Spanish writer, journalist and academic.

2007.- Bao Zunxin, scientist and Chinese opposition leader.

2009.- Bernarda Jiménez Peña, Spanish singer known as ‘Bernarda de Utrera’.

2011.- Juan María Bandrés Molet, Spanish politician.

2013.- Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Polish politician and former Prime Minister.

2014.- José María Manzanares, Spanish bullfighter.

2018.- Luis Miguel Enciso Recio, Spanish politician, historian, writer and professor.

2020.- Alain Rey, French linguist.

2022.- Jerry Lee Lewis, American musician, pioneer of rock and roll.

2023.- Matthew Perry, American actor.

.- Daria Peshkova, Russian actress, granddaughter of the Russian writer Maxim Gorki. EFE



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