Archery is the great protagonist

Archery is the great protagonist

Over 100 athletes met at the stadium on Sunday 13 October Marco Star Of Palagiano for the second edition of “<a href="" title="In Palagiano the great archery with the second edition of "Profumo di clementine – 3D Piano Mix"”>Clementine Scent – 3D Piano Mix”a national archery competition that combined sport and social commitment.

The event, organized by Archers of Palagianorepresented an opportunity to combine sport and solidarity: guests of the event, in fact, were “The Amazons” by Massafra, a non-profit association that supports cancer patients, who presented their project, drawing emotional applause from the large audience present.

Many winners of the competition, which saw archers from all over southern Italy facing each other trained for a year under the guidance of the school Karmanbut in the end the real winners of the event were the healthy values, such as aggregation, inclusion and the promotion of prevention and the territory.

“It went above and beyond our expectations – comments a satisfied Daniela Albano – the objective was achieved thanks to everyone’s contribution, especially our boys. “Clementine Scent – 3D Piano Mix” it was a solidarity competition, we demonstrated that when you network everything is possible.”



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