Bad weather, orange alert in the center and east of Liguria: critical issues

Bad weather, orange alert in the center and east of Liguria: critical issues
Liguria: hydrogeological criticalities” title=”Bad weather, orange alert in the center and east of Liguria: hydrogeological criticalities” style=”–smush-placeholder-width: 640px; –smush-placeholder-aspect-ratio: 640/431;”/>Bad weather, orange alert in the center and east of Liguria: hydrogeological criticalities
The Teiro torrent in flood in Varazze

From this morning at 9am, the orange alert for thunderstorms was triggered in the center and east of Liguria (zones B, C, D, E), while the west remains on yellow alert.

The storms were concentrated on the Ligurian Sea, moving towards the east, in particular between Framura and Bonassola. The Region’s Civil Protection has alerted the mayors of the East to possible hydrological criticalities, due to the saturated soil which could worsen the situation.

The division of the regional territory

A: Along the coast from Ventimiglia to Noli, the entire province of Imperia, the Centa valley
B: Along the coast from Spotorno to Camogli including Val Polcevera and Alta Val Bisagno
C: Along the coast from Portofino to the border with Tuscany, the entire province of La Spezia, Val Fontanabuona and Valle Sturla
D: Valle Stura and the Savona hinterland up to Val Bormida
E: Valle Scrivia, Val d’Aveto and Val Trebbia

Landslides and mudslides in Liguria

Several landslides and mudslides occurred in Liguria between yesterday evening and night:

  • Ligurian final: failure of a dry stone wall in via Aurelia.
  • Varazze: landslide in via Argonauti with the evacuation of three families.
  • Genoa Voltri: landslide in Fabbriche, which isolated three homes.
  • San Fruttuoso (Genoa): collapse of a retaining wall in via delle Rovare, with the road closed to remove debris.

Road conditions and updates

This morning ANAS reopened an alternating one-way lane in the stretch of Aurelia between Albissola Marina and Celle Ligure, previously closed due to a landslide. In Genoa, the Tea Benedetti roundabout and the Via San Giovanni d’Acri roundabout were closed due to flooding.

Coordination of Civil Protection

The regional Civil Protection took stock of the bad weather situation with the national Department, which was constantly updated on developments. We recommend maximum caution and following the instructions of the local authorities.

The rain that fell yesterday in the province of Savona



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