Colorful program in F23: Liesinger Musikherbst

Colorful program in F23: Liesinger Musikherbst

The cultural anchor center presents itself in a new look F23 in Gastgebgasse directly behind the former coffin production in Atzgersdorf.
On almost the entire ground floor of a new building there is an exhibition room workshopin which workshops also take place again and again, rooms whose name speaks for itself, movement. In addition to yoga, dance and performance, the program also includes, for example, the judo student league. Art students are currently working in two-story studios artist in residence found their new home and there is an event hall for 120 people.

A small museum quarter for the south of Vienna

“A small museum quarter is being created here for the south of Vienna,” says Erich Sperger, president and founder of the IG F23 association, which is behind it F23 stuck. With the Boys Theater Viennawhich is also located here, there will be even more programs for children and young people in the future – starting on Thursday, November 28th, in F23.

Four concerts by Liesinger Music Autumn find in hall. like instead of. The event hall, constructed as a room-in-a-room, is completely acoustically isolated from the rest of the house.

Am Wednesday, November 6thsays the trio Kalksburg College – Heinz Ditsch, Paul Skrepek and Wolfgang Vincenz Wizlsperger – in memory happiness. Happy is he who forgets? No, they don’t spill anything – without remorse and with always hot food.

The Wednesday Night Prayer Orchestra interpreted on Wednesday, November 13thwell-known compositions from the big bands of the last 100 years and is inspired by music outside the big band cosmos on the journey to his own sound.

The young Austrian musician and poet nicolas robert lang united in his catchy Austropop songs Freitag. 15.11. relentless social criticism, consumptive Dadaism and soulful poetry, without neglecting humor.

Am Saturday, November 23rd. is with Long live Music an evening entirely dedicated to classical music. The Japanese soprano Kanako Hayashi is from Taichi Hiratsuka on the wing and Issei Kurihara accompanied on the violin – you can hear music from JS Bach to contemporary Japanese music.

Find the concerts each at 8 instead – cards are on available.

Viennese complaint choir in the VHS Liesing

This marks the start of the Liesinger Music Autumn Viennese chorus of complaints am Saturday, October 19th at 7.30 p.m. in the VHS Liesing.
Vienna’s 50-strong Citizens’ Singraunz Instance is meeting the eloquent writer for the first time Lydia Haider on a brute force in order to puff ourselves up and publicly argue about how we are causing yesterday, which thinks it is tomorrow, to become the day before yesterday.
Admission this evening is free – tickets are available



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