Effectiveness and efficiency in tennis: why are they necessary to improve the game tactically?

Effectiveness and efficiency in tennis: why are they necessary to improve the game tactically?
<img alt="<a href="https://www.archysport.com/2022/06/enzo-diaz-fantilli-from-madrid-will-play-the-south-american-tennis-championship/” title=”Enzo Díaz Fantilli from Madrid will play the South American Tennis Championship”>Gonzalo Pressón is a teacher and is part of the Argentine Tennis Association team.” class=”global-image” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”high” height=”1080″ loading=”eager” src=”https://www.infobae.com/resizer/v2/RV6XL4TUKZF55E7BA4PIJHQ4SE.png?auth=e3b8061918eefacf79a750211343028e1c3e0243f4f168d3c2a03df334f5d69e&smart=true&width=350&height=197&quality=85″ width=”1920″/>
Gonzalo Pressón is a teacher and is part of the Argentine Tennis Association team.

Daniel Marcelo Schapira He was a tennis player and teacher. On October 18, 1977, a day like today but 47 years ago, months after turning 27, a task force of the civil-military dictatorship kidnapped him and since then he has remained missing. In addition to having been a good player who ranked in the top 10 of the national ranking three times, he dedicated himself to teaching the sport in the DAOM and Macabi clubs. Because of him, National Tennis Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year..

With that date on the agenda, one of the pillars of Argentine training, Gonzalo Pressonbegins a series of tutorial videos with tips so that all string fans can make improvements. It doesn’t matter if the viewer is a person who is just starting out, if they are at an intermediate level or a semi-professional, These keys are applicable to all those who want to advance in their performance. Today in “Learn tennis with AAT”: effectiveness and efficiency in the forehand.

In this video, one of the people responsible for training and development of the Argentine Tennis Association (AAT), begins to describe in examples the importance of “effectiveness and efficiency” in hitting. “These two concepts are fundamental to obtain good performance in terms of shots that undoubtedly contribute to developing tactical plays”explains the teacher.

The professor of the Argentine Tennis Association, Gonzalo Pressón, explains five keys to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of forehand strokes.

We call a shot effective when it can meet a tactical objective on the other side of the court. In the video we give two examples: height and depth. These are key to developing margin (height) and a preventive and construction game (depth) that allows us to give ourselves more time, withdraw the rival in the background and find spaces to be able to dominate the point.

When we refer to efficiency we talk about economy of movement. Being able to perform that shot several times (quantity) at a maximum execution rate (quality) for a prolonged period of time (training/match).

This requires proper use of the entire body.of the entire coordination chain that includes the corporeal links starting from the lower body, passing through the middle area and ending in the upper body.

Gonzalo Pressón trains young national tennis projects and is also a trainer and reference for teachers and colleagues.

It should be noted that tennis, a situational sport, that is, with open skills, uses technique as a tool to resolve tactical situations, which is why Hits must be included to develop perception (ball received) and projection (ball sent)and with this include the invisible phase of Tennis strokes (Perception and decision).

We call sports open skills to which the rival directly affects the player’s performance by posing problems to be solved. On the other hand, sports closed skills They are those where athletes indirectly influence.

Example of open skills sports: tennis, soccer, volleyball, handball and basketball, among others.

Example of Closed Skills sport: athletics, swimming and golf.

Pressón is a key member of the AAT training and development team, and joins the collaboration agreement between Infobae and the Association to offer the reader tennis fan a learning space. In the next installments, we will delve into the effectiveness and efficiency applied in other shots.



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