EXCLUDED Frédéric (Koh-Lanta): The truth behind his bogus archery-proof explanations

EXCLUDED Frédéric (Koh-Lanta): The truth behind his bogus archery-proof explanations

Tuesday October 22, 2024, TF1 broadcast the tenth episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe. During the council, an adventurer was eliminated, it was Frédéric. He who had already won last year in Koh-Lanta, The Sacred Fire therefore sees his adventure end there. Near Purepeoplehe talks about his departure from the game but not only that. He evokes the feelings of Charlotte and Sophia, who betrayed him, recounts how ill he was during filming and reveals which comrade he would like to see win.

How did you feel when you were eliminated?

I was a little surprised without really being. Because I had in mind the possibility that at some point the girls would want to vote against me and turn around. But the surprise comes from the fact that I didn’t think it would happen so soon. Especially since there, we had taken an advantage with Gustin who had joined the ex-yellows against the ex-reds and the fact that we had managed to take out Sarah.

Why do you think your comrades voted against you?

Quite simply, there was this resentment among the girls. So obviously, the ex-reds took advantage of it. I think if the ex-reds had refused to put my name and offered to bring out someone else, it wouldn’t have worked I think. When the girls offer my head to the ex-reds, they can only accept.

What do you think of the turnaround with Sophia and Charlotte?

They are completely right. That’s why I can’t blame them either. I had created an alliance with Lola, Jacques, Sophia and Charlotte. When we decided to leave Lola because it was no longer going well, with Jacques we also decided to leave this alliance. We created a new alliance with the boys. So obviously, among the yellows, the girls found themselves in the hot seat. This is why Charlotte found herself in a fuse position several times. I completely understand their position.

When you make this choice to leave this alliance, what do Sophia and Charlotte think?

I don’t think they knew about it. Because we wanted to remain discreet with the boys. But it was still very big. If they didn’t suspect it, it’s because they didn’t make an effort to understand it. Because when we brought Lola out, it was pretty clear. Afterwards, we tried to create a united yellow group but we know very well that in a team, when everything is going well things go well but when there is a council, you have to make choices and it is in these moments that certain affinities prove stronger than others.

How do you explain these new male VS female clans?

It boggles my mind that we focus on this every time. I have no problem with women. Besides, at the start, I created an alliance with women, I think that says a lot. When we decide to leave the first alliance with Jacques, we do it because it no longer suits us and we go towards the group of people who were initially excluded, it turns out that it was four boys. If Charlotte and Sophia had been men, I would have turned my coat around the same way. It has absolutely nothing to do with being a woman or a man.

Why did you choose to vote against Ugo?

It wasn’t my choice. I wanted to vote against Maxim or Cassandre because I loved fighting in the events with Ugo, I really enjoyed it a lot and I wanted to continue doing it. Except that my team had chosen Ugo for the same reason that the ex-reds had chosen my name. That is to say, we had both performed quite well in the tests and I think we scared them. We had to make choices, my team was almost unanimous in voting against Ugo, I couldn’t go against it. And anyway, at that time, I knew that all the reds had voted against me at the previous council. So I had no problem voting against Ugo. Because it’s the game, the weight of the colors and we also had to follow the yellows.

During the archery test, you put forward bogus arguments to finally admit that you wanted to see Thibault go as far as possible. For what ?

I think if I had given my real argument from the start, they would have tried to break my arrow to stop me from getting there. It was difficult for me. I came to this event with two objectives. The first was to eliminate all the reds very quickly to be able to give one or more yellows the opportunity to go comfortably. The second was to bring Thibault into comfort. I thought the ex-yellows would understand it. Because in my mind, once the ex-reds were eliminated, it was “may the best win”. We can’t imagine winning an event without winning a salvo, just hoping that the others don’t break our arrows. I found myself having to break arrows. Unfortunately for me, I won a lot of salvos and therefore had to break a lot of arrows. Obviously, it saddened more than one person. And then this ordeal is very symbolic: when we break the arrows, we really break the person’s opportunity to be able to speak to their loved one. I think at that moment I hit where it hurt for them, Sophia and Charlotte. And I think I paid for it.

Are your choices during the archery event directly linked to your elimination, in your opinion?

Clearly yes. Because after the test, I went to explain it to them. I told them that I had done what was necessary to be between the yellows and that, for me, afterwards it was the best viewfinder. The girls had not won a single salvo. I even told myself that I couldn’t break Sophia and Charlotte’s arrows in a row because it was going to be too big. That’s why I broke Ilyesse’s arrow between the two. And then the same, there too I gave a bogus explanation by telling him: “Sorry, I didn’t even see you won a salvo.“Then at the end, when I came back to the island and explained it to him, he understood very quickly unlike the girls who didn’t understand at all and who took it personally. Unfortunately, I couldn’t anymore to make up for it later. But on the island, they were also very strong because they acted as if nothing had happened, they reassured me by telling me not to worry.

At the start of her adventure, Lola made a lot of talk about her, due to her behavior but also her figure. What do you think?

I think it was mainly the public who raised the buzz around his character. Lola has great character, a strong character, a very good vision of herself and it’s difficult to question that. She had her place in the adventure but I think where she went wrong was that she failed to see what others perceived of her. At some point, we also had to do the work of adapting. From a personal point of view, I find that it gave some spice to this first part of the adventure, it allowed me to make a first strategic move to get it out, I found that interesting.

During the adventure, you suffered… You were even in the infirmary. What happened?

The level of difficulty was the same on my two adventures. Even when I arrived this time with full knowledge of the facts – hunger, I knew it was going to impact me physically and mentally – that didn’t mean I was prepared to cope better. Ultimately, physically, it had the same effects. It was just as difficult. For the infirmary, it’s simple, we had discovered the coconut germ at that time. The day before, I personally had abused it a little. We had a lot of it and when we discovered that it was edible… Finally, it upset my stomach, I had diarrhea all day. I really spent my time emptying myself. It weakened me to the point where it became dangerous. That’s why in the evening, the doctor decided to take me for examinations all night. I find that it also shows the difficulty of the game. Normally, in everyday life, with a normal immune system, if I had eaten the same thing, I would not have been in this state. It is the fact of having a very weakened body which means that the slightest bacteria or the slightest disturbance can really put us in more than delicate situations.

In the previous episode, you were also caught in the waves. What happened?

I was very scared because it was relatively violent. You should know that we are very well supervised by production: when we go fishing, there is always a boat of local fishermen who are there to watch over us. Two people are there to monitor our surroundings because it is still very dangerous. We go fishing with Thibault and after a few minutes, we realize that there is a lot of movement in the water, that there are big waves. We told ourselves that we couldn’t fish in these conditions and that we would have to leave. Finally, I got caught coming back towards the coral reef, I got caught in these big swells. The waves lifted me up to press me against the corals. And I was afraid because the fishermen couldn’t do anything, neither could Thibault. He told me that he had seen me leave but that if he had helped me, he would have been caught like me. I really found myself like in a washing machine where four or five times I found myself lifted then thrown until the moment I managed to hang on. I still got hurt quite a bit. I was afraid that my head would be hit, I would have been in a very, very delicate situation.

Who do you want to see win?

Obviously an ex-yellow because it’s my team and I have an alliance with the boys. I really want to see Jacques win because he’s been my ally from the start, my partner. It would be truly madness if he could win. Among the reds, I would like to see Ugo win because he is my alter ego on this adventure. There are these two settings for me that would be awesome to see.

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